
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Dealing with Feeling Grief

     As we saw the devastation of people who lost their lives, including the precious children in the Moore, OK tornado, all of our hearts grieved. Regarding grief, Jesus said, "You're blessed when you feel you've lost what is most dear to you". Only then can you be embraced by the One most dear to you. Matthew 5:4 (The Message) Jesus promises to embrace and comfort us when we grieve. Sometimes we struggle to allow ourselves to grieve which only delays experiencing His comfort.

   When our daughter, Bekah, was born with Down syndrome, Ellen and I grieved for days. Why? Because we had lost a perfect child and there is no cure for people born with that extra chromosome added to the 21 pair.

   Grieving is the deep feeling of loss. It can be the loss of a friendship, our health, a family relationship, someone we loved who died, a child's future, our marriage, a healthy child, all or most of our finances, virginity, the love of a parent, and more.

   Everyone grieves, but we don't have to stay stuck there. Jesus said in our grief that He can meet us and comfort us like no one else can. He comforts us often by what He says to us and His presence in us as our Life.

   A couple of days after our daughter, Bekah, with Down syndrome, was born, I was grieving deeply as I rocked her in my arms. I kept asking God "Why?" He gently spoke a verse of scripture to me that I had not memorized. "The LORD said to him, "Who has made man's mouth? Or who makes him mute or deaf, or seeing or blind? Is it not I, the LORD?" Exodus 4:11. The Lord was saying to me, "I am Sovereign and I am the One who made Bekah with Down syndrome." He was exhorting me to trust Him. That was the beginning of Jesus comforting me and working me through my grief. Later, He reminded me that Jesus is my Life, not a healthy child. That is when my grief was replaced with His comfort.

   Another time, our family was at a lunch for our church small group. One of our boys accidentally kicked another of our sons in the eye when they were wrestling. I spoke with him rather sternly about how dangerous it was to kick someone in the eye. Later, when all of the families were ready to leave, this son was nowhere to be found. We were meeting in our church building and we searched everywhere. Finally, he came walking around the building because he had been hiding in the back. I grieved that he had chosen to respond like that. Yet, as we were leaving, I turned to Ellen and said, "I sure am glad we don't get our identity from our children." You see, in my grief for our son, I was reminded that my identity is in Christ.

   Are you grieving today? Have you let yourself grieve? Jesus in you will comfort and reveal Himself in you in marvelous ways, if you will let Him walk you through your grief. "For when Christ who is our life shall appear, then you also will be revealed with Him in glory." Colossians 3:4

Live Free In Christ, 

Mark Maulding,
President and Founder 

All Content Copyright © 2013 Mark Maulding

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Dealing with Feeling Worthless

   Worthlessness is a common feeling which plagues many people. It is at its heart an issue of identity and love. Those who struggle with these feelings have often experienced great rejection or failure. For me, I felt worth in high school when I was voted Mr. Osborne High School as a senior. In college, I felt worth when I memorized more scripture than my friends. As a youth pastor, I felt worth when our youth group grew from 30 kids to 100 kids in three years. I felt a lack of worth later, when the church I was starting failed. I felt a lack of worth when I went through years of depression.

   In God's kingdom, worth is determined very differently than what I once thought. Here is an example. If you had a diamond, how would you determine how much it was worth? You would go to the best jeweler in town to get an assessment. If the jeweler said, "I will give you $500,000" for your diamond, you would be very happy realizing how much it is worth. If you wanted to find out how much you were worth, where would you go? Most of us go to the mirror, our past, our performance, our friends, our spouse, our kids, our car, our clothes, our failures or successes, our parents and more. However, the ultimate expert on how much we are personally worth is our Heavenly Father. How much does He think we are worth? When He looks you over, He assesses you and concludes, "I will give my Son Jesus Christ for you." This is, I will give you the most valuable possession I have. Do you see it? We should be very happy since our value is equal to Jesus Christ being given for us! Romans 8:32 says, "He who did not spare his own Son but gave Him up for us all, how will He not also with Him graciously give us all things?"

   I challenge you to mediate on this reality this week. In fact, you can pray, "Father, because you gave Jesus to show how much I was worth to You, I believe that I have great worth". I pray this leads you into a deeper freedom in your heart and confidence in life. 

   If you want to talk with someone, call our office at 704-5229026 for free counseling consultation.  We offer, face to face, phone and Skype counseling - all confidential.

Live Free In Christ, 

Mark Maulding, President and Founder 

All Content Copyright © 2013 Mark Maulding

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Dealing with Feeling Regret

   "I wish I had never done that!" "If only I had a redo!" "Every time I think about what I did, my stomach churns!" These are common statements from people who live with regret. All of us, including me, have done things in our lives that we wish we could go back and change. Letting regret control you or depress you is a trick of the enemy. It's like driving your car in reverse every day!

   How does God's grace take care of our regrets? Jesus has already paid for our past, present and future sins according to Colossians 2:13. That means our Father has forgiven us for ALL our sins. We need then to also forgive ourselves for past sins we've committed and past mistakes we have made. You may protest, "You don't know what I have done!" You are right, I don't but our sovereign God knew what you were going to do and Jesus died for that. We certainly don't want to make our standard for forgiveness higher than God's!

   We need to realize because of our death, burial and resurrection with Christ, our past failures do not define us. God's grace defines us as a gift through our faith in Christ. We may fail but we are not failures. Instead, we are more than conquerors through Him Who loved us! Romans 8:37.

   To beat ourselves up because of our failures and those of others we are connected to, is to agree with our enemy. In essence, when we focus on past negative events or failures, we are saying "what I do or don't do defines me". In God's family, what defines us is who our Father is, instead of our enemy, the world, our behavior or our feelings!

   If there is someone we need to go ask forgiveness from because of what we have done, that is something to pray about regarding the timing of it and what to say. One time, I regretted arguing with my neighbor about dust from my kids' bikes landing on his newly pressure washed house. I prayed God would give me the right opportunity to ask for his forgiveness. One morning, when I was walking, there was my neighbor walking his dog on the same sidewalk. It was the perfect situation to ask for his forgiveness so I did. I knew I was not responsible for his response either way, but I did not want to be a barrier to him coming to know Christ since he was not a Christian.

   Also, here are some prayers you can pray often to take away the burden to heal any leftover effects of past regrets. I pray these every week, not so much because of regret, but because I need to be reminded of God's grace. Many others such as pastors, Christian leaders, husbands, wives and more have also been transformed by talking with God in these ways.


Because you have forgiven me, I forgive myself for ______________.

Because you say you love me, I love me.

Because you say I am loveable, I say I am loveable

Because you say you accept me, I accept me.

Because you say I am acceptable, I say I am acceptable.

Because you say I have great worth, I say I have great worth.

Because you say I am secure, I say I am secure.

   You can take any of the identity in Christ statements and pray them in a similar way in your times of talking with God all throughout the day.

   We can drown today in the sea of regret or sail on the endless ocean of God's love.

Live Free In Christ,

Mark Maulding, President and Founder


All Content Copyright © 2013 Mark Maulding

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Dealing with Feeling Entitled

   Have you ever been around someone who always thought you should do more for them no matter how much you did? This is called "entitlement". This person genuinely thinks: "I deserve better;" "I deserve more;" "I deserve to have fun;" "People should take care of me;" "I deserve it all." "And you are obligated to give all of this to me!"

   It's maddening to be around people like this. It doesn't matter that you can't provide what they are asking. A teen may demand that their parents buy them the latest and greatest game system. A husband may demand that his wife tell him how wonderful he is over and over to prove her love for him. A wife may barrage her husband to buy things which she says will make her happy. A friend may demand all of your free time to prove you are a good friend.

   Entitlement is rooted in a lack of contentment, otherwise known as coveting. It is feeling dissatisfied regardless of how much more a person achieves or receives. The Apostle Paul learned over time to be content. He wrote, "I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength. But my God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:11-13, 19

   What was his secret? It was his union and intimacy with Christ Himself. In Christ, we have been given more than we need. As Chris Tomlin's song says, "All of You is more than enough for all of me. For every thirst and every need." Christ is the fountain of our contentment. Does that mean it is wrong to want things or good relationships? Of course not! God is the One "Who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment." 1 Timothy 6:17. Only when we are content on the inside can we truly enjoy what we have on the outside. That is why we share over and over in our ministry that Christ is our Life. (Colossians3:4)

   Entitlement is sinful. And it is a sin we died to when we died with Christ on the cross and were raised with Him. (Romans 6:6-7) Our identity in Christ is that of a content person. If any of us have been living with an entitlement attitude, feeling as though everyone owes us, even God, it's time to get honest with ourselves and with God. We are living according to the flesh! We agree with God about this and receive the forgiveness that is already ours in Christ. Then we may need to surrender to God our "right" that we deserve more and better.

   If you are living with a person who feels entitled, don't enable them through your codependence. You are not responsible for their happiness. And you can't make them happy any way no matter how much you try to do for them.

   You can rely on your relationship with Christ in you to liberate you from the patterns of entitlement or codependence. Do you want to know whether you feel entitled or even codependent? Complete this sentence. "For me to live is _______________". Any answer other than "Christ" is telling. If you need to talk with someone, one of our counselors can help you, in one of our 5 offices or long distance by Skype. Contact us for a free counseling consultation. 

Live Free In Christ, 

Mark Maulding, President and Founder 

All Content Copyright © 2013 Mark Maulding

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Dealing with Feeling Fearful

   365 times our loving Daddy God tells us not to fear. If you are counting, that is one time for every day of the year! Yet, many of us live in and from fear more than we would like.

   Some fears are understandable and appropriate. If you are being driven in a car at 120 miles per hour in a 25 mph zone, you should feel afraid. If someone is threatening you with a gun, you should feel afraid. If your child was supposed to be home at a certain time and he/she is eight hours late, you should feel afraid. But even in these situations, we can choose to trust God or not. God’s heart is certainly not for us to live from a place of fear all of the time.

   Then, there is sinful fear. This kind of fear is destructive and reveals itself as worry, anxiety, anger, silence, depression, control and more. This kind of fear is what Jesus died to free us from. First, because of our resurrection with Christ, we are not fearful people in our identity in Christ. Second and foremost, our God is faithful and can be trusted. Philippians 4:6-7 tells us this is the kind of fear He tells us to pray about until we experience Him as our peace.

   I remember sharing Psalm 56:3 with a pastor friend of mine who was feeling guilty because he felt afraid his child would be born with cystic fibrosis. He and his wife both had the gene for that mortal disease but did not know it until after they had conceived. When I shared this scripture, he immediately felt relieved. He experienced such a freedom from his false guilt, that he planned to share it with his congregation the next week. It says, “When I am afraid I will put my trust in You.”

   You see, you may feel afraid even when you are trusting God. Wouldn’t it be great if when we trusted God, our feelings of fear would immediately go away? Sometimes they do and sometimes they don’t.

   Many years ago, I was counseling a person who had extreme anxiety. This person knew who they were in Christ and believed it. This person knew that Christ was their Life and believed it. Yet, the anxiety would not stop. After we prayed about it for a while, I sensed that this anxiety might be from a brain chemistry imbalance. They went to a good doctor who prescribed an anti-anxiety medication. A few weeks later, this person returned to thank me saying they were finally free from years of anxiety and could now experience Christ as their Life in a deeper way.

   If you are feeling fearful, you may want to also ask God if there is anything He wants you to do that would alleviate your fear. One of my sons felt incredible anxiety one semester in college though he was relying on Christ in him and praying about it. As we talked, it turns out that his anxiety was a result of feeling overwhelmed by all of his school work. I encouraged him to sit down and write down all that he had to do, prioritize it according to due dates and then use his calendar to schedule his work. In two days, his anxiety was gone.

   Pray and ask God to make clear to you what type of fear you are experiencing and what He wants you to do/believe about it.

Live Free In Christ,

Mark Maulding, President and Founder

All Content Copyright © 2013 Mark Maulding

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The Mauldings' April God Stories

The following is a quote from a 17 year old girl at my recent F4T Conference. “Now I understand Biblically why most of the people in my generation consider God a joke.  Their parents did not understand the gospel so they could not let Christ live it out through them in their homes.  That’s why their kids have turned away from God.  That’s why we are being called the ‘hopeless’ generation.”    Wow!  How insightful she was.  Her words impassion me more to keep sharing the complete gospel with Christians.  We need to show the next generation that Jesus in us is real and does transform us!  Thank you for partnering with me financially and in prayer to make this happen!

Prayer Requests

My family and I need $1759 per month in new support.  Would you pray about giving towards this by increasing your monthly support? Or maybe you could give a one-time gift?  Maybe you could give part of your tax-refund.  You can give securely online at www.GraceLifeInternational.com under About Us, Our Staff then click Mark Maulding.

Pray for a F4T(Foundation4Transformtion) Conference I am leading in Spartanburg, SC April 25-27.  Contact person is Rob Nelson at rrnelson22@yahoo.com.

Pray for Men’s Only Grace Life Conference I am leading in our office, May 10-11. Contact Kathy Wilkinson in our office at Kathy@GraceLifeInternational.com or 704-522-9026.

Family Matters (for Praise and Prayer)
Ellen and I just ran our first 5K together.  It was a blast and my first race ever.  I am shocked that I placed 3 in my age group for men and won a medal!  I was just glad I did not quit running before the end! 

Ben (23) received a summer internship in Charleston at the Piggly Wiggly Corporate Office.  God also provided a car for him through the generosity of some friends who had be talking about wanting to give one of their cars away when they received my prayer request!  Thank you for praying for him.

Andrew (24) was not approved to be a research assistant next fall, his last semester at UPR.  Pray for him to find a teaching job for next fall at one of the Christian schools so he can pay for school.

Bekah (22) is finishing up her sophomore semester at USC.  We talked with the Director of the Carolina Life Program recently and they are working to get her two jobs for the fall semester.  Pray our monthly missionary support comes in so we can send her back for her junior year.

Christopher (19) is looking for full-time employment since he is not returning to college.  Pray he finds something close by since he has no car.

Live Free In Christ, Mark Maulding, President and Founder www.GraceLifeInternational.com All Content Copyright © 2013 Mark Maulding

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Dealing with Feeling Angry

     The tragic Boston Marathon bombing this week elicited righteous anger all across this country. And rightfully so. This kind of anger is not sinful in and of itself. Ephesians 4:26 says, "Be angry and sin not." NASB When someone has committed an injustice against another person or even us, this is sinful. When someone is raped, we should have righteous anger. When someone is sexually abused, we should have righteous anger. When there is human trafficking, we should have righteous anger. When someone tries to control us, we may feel righteous anger. You get the idea. When we have righteous anger, we need to pray, ask Christ to live through us and respond as God leads. However, our response to righteous anger will never lead us to act sinfully in a way that displeases the Lord.

  Another kind of anger is sinful anger. This anger has many faces such as bitterness, resentment, rage, unforgiveness, the silent treatment, all kinds of abuse, unresolved fear and more. A 23 year old man I've known since he was a baby has been in anger management but has never dealt with his inner anger. He is currently incarcerated because all of the counseling he has been under has never gotten to the root of his problem. You see, anger arising from our past must be quelled by facing our anger and forgiving those we are angry with including ourselves. You would be amazed at how many people we counsel at Grace Life International who have self-hatred. Ephesians 4:31-32 says, "Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice forgiving one another just as God in Christ has forgiven us." NASB

  Forgiveness is something most Christians know they need to do but few understand how to do it Biblically, such that, it really heals their hearts. It is probably one of the greatest hindrances we help people work through so they can experience Christ in them as their Life. Time does not permit me to write about it in this space, but I will say that when we forgive Biblically, we must tell God how each person and event made us feel, then tell Him we forgive that person though usually they do not deserve it.

  When we have sinful anger, we also need to confess that sin to God and receive the forgiveness that is already ours in Christ. Even those who do forgive from their hearts Biblically, often leave this part out and wonder why they still don't have peace.

  Another reason for anger, that I should mention here, is that which is a consequence of biological issues such as exhaustion, some medications, untreated clinical depression, and some illnesses. The solution to this is to get our body healthy as much as we possibly can.

Giving up our rights can also be a powerful weapon in defeating sinful anger. We share the Biblical basis for this in our counseling and ADT every week resulting in great freedom for individuals and marriages.

  If you have a habit of experiencing and expressing sinful anger, please get help! You are hurting and rejecting people you love and are offending many as well. Please call us for a free counseling consultation whether live or by Skype. 704-522-9026.

Live Free in Christ, 

Mark Maulding, President and Founder

All Content Copyright © 2013 Mark Maulding