
Showing posts with label Help for Suicide. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Help for Suicide. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

The Sadness and Self-centeredness of Suicide

We sat together stunned again this morning in our staff prayer time.  The teen of a friend of one of our staff members took his own life.  Satan had duped another one into believing suicide was the only option he had.
The second leading cause of death among teens and college students is suicide. It is also the 10th leading cause of death in the United States and that rate is climbing.  The next highest group who commits this sad atrocity are middle aged males.
I and my staff have great compassion for those contemplating suicide.  When they look at their circumstances, they see no reason for living and have lost hope that anything will change.  And, some of the Christians we counsel struggle with this.  Those outside of Christ are even more vulnerable.
My good friend, Vlado Hoblaj, now Director of Hope for Croatia, tells of how, as a young rising rock-n-roll star, he had planned to commit suicide.  He was just waiting for the right time. He loved music and the stage yet, he was empty, hopeless and purposeless.  Then he heard about Jesus and was gloriously saved.  Yet, he still struggled with depression until he was taught the Gospel of Grace also known as the New Covenant or the Exchanged Life.  Today, he is one of the most joyful people you will ever meet and has an incredible ministry to his entire country and beyond.
Suicide is not only sad, it is actually self-centered.  You may think I am being harsh but in reality, those who commit suicide are the ones being harsh.  They leave behind a string of broken hearts - parents, children, a spouse, friends and even church family.  They leave behind guilt laden friends and family members going over and over in their minds "How did I miss it?  I could have and should have done something to stop this."  And many of these family and friends have a wound in their heart which may never go away - without them knowing how Jesus can heal them.  If you are one of those left behind, we are available to help you find that healing.
If you are struggling with thoughts of suicide, please understand that many of the thoughts entering your mind are from Satan, whose mission in life according to John 10:10 is to kill, steal and destroy your life.  He wants you dead.  But, don't do it!  You will hurt a lot of people.  Don't listen to the enemy telling you everyone, including you,would be better off if you were dead.  That is not true!
There is hope for you in Christ.  In the remainder of that same verse, Jesus compares His mission of life to Satan's mission of death by saying, I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed of. (The Message) Several of our staff were tempted just like you to take their own lives before they began to experience the love and life of Jesus in them.  Now, they are so healed they are able to show God's answer to others struggling with the same issue.
If you know someone who is threatening suicide, especially if they are telling you their plan,  get them help immediately!  Don't be concerned about hurting their feelings or believing you will betray them.  Call their family, their pastor or the Suicide Prevention line below.  Better to have them mad at you rather than dead. Or, get them to one of our counselors even if it means coming with them the first time.
If you are the one having suicidal thoughts, please stop and call us right now for a consultation at 704-522-9026.  We can see you in person or by Skype.  Or, we can refer you to one of our partner ministries in the USA or Europe.  If our office is closed, please call the National Suicide Prevention line 1 (800) 273-8255. 

Believe it! It's the Gospel.

Live Free In Christ,

Mark Maulding, President and Founder

www.GraceLifeInternational.com All Content Copyright © 2015 Mark Maulding but feel free to pass it on!