
Showing posts with label sex. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sex. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Grace for Rock Concerts

One of the things I did with my three sons was to get away with each of them at key times in their lives. I wanted us to have fun, eat a great meal, talk about sex and discuss where they were in their spiritual lives.

Just before their senior year in high school, I gave each one the opportunity to go away for a weekend to a place of their choice within driving distance. The two oldest each went with me to Universal Studios theme park. But, the third had quite a different request.

He asked me if we could go see Def Leppard in concert. If you don't know who that is, they were a hugely popular rock band in the early 80's and 90's. I jokingly said to him, "I wanted to take you away for the weekend to talk about sex, drugs and rock and roll and you want me to take you to a rock concert?"

We went to the concert that summer and had a blast, tailgating beforehand while talking about sex and other spiritual matters. I wasn't concerned about him being negatively influenced by the concert. Why? He loves Jesus and I knew we could discuss the music on the way home. I also believed that Jesus in me had more influence than the rock band and it turned out to be true.

God's grace can give us the freedom to enjoy even a rock concert with a child!

Live Free In Christ,

Mark Maulding, President and Founder

All Content Copyright © 2014 Mark Maulding

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Passionate Dating: Safe Sex

   When our children were growing up, Ellen and I both believed that it was our responsibility to talk to each one about sex.   Sadly, in today's world, most children are familiar with sex long before they become teens.  They have heard all about it from their friends and many have seen a perversion of it because of internet and TV pornography.

   Let me share an example of what I mean.  I took each of my three sons on a father/son weekend to talk about sex when they were in the 6th grade - the first year of Middle School. (I also took them in 9thand 12th grade.)  Ellen talked to our daughter.

   On one of those 6th grade trips, my son said, "Dad, I already know all about sex.  You don't need to tell me anything."  My response?  "You probably do but you need to hear my perspective on it and especially God's perspective on it."

   You see, sex was designed by God to be great ... in marriage.  He designed it for procreation and for pleasure.  Sex was God's idea, not the Devil's!  It's not dirty in marriage.  It's a gift from God.

   The statistics are very compelling that parents still have the greatest influence in the decisions that teens and young adults make about sex before marriage.  That is not a guarantee that they will live like who they are in Christ in this area but it is still our God-given responsibility to talk with them and guide them in this area.

   The best thing we can do for our kids in teaching them about sex is to challenge them to make some decisions before they ever start dating.  If not, they will most likely make the wrong decision later when they are on a date.  Here are some of those decisions.

  Safe sex for the Christian is no sex prior to marriageSee 1 Corinthians 7:1-5  Today, you have to be very specific about what you mean by sex.  A decision that will help a single person is to agree that any area of the body below the neck is off limits while dating.  An exception, of course, might be holding hands.  And in reality, most people regardless of their age, cannot sit around and kiss very long without being tempted to do more.  Why?  Because God designed passionate kissing to be one of the first steps towards the beautiful act of sexual intimacy in marriage.  If a single is going to kiss at all while dating , they need to decide how much kissing they are going to involve themselves in.  If you have kids, I encourage you to share this with them whether they are 13 or 30. 

  Don't advertise.  Make sure your girls know that they can dress in style with being immodest. For example, a girl who shows cleavage is advertising.  A girl who wears shorts, skirts or dresses so that her butt cheek is showing or almost showing is advertising.  And some guy will be tempted to take the merchandise.  She needs to save all of that for her husband in private after she is married. 

   Another thing kids need to know is that the Bible tells them to treat the opposite sex as if they were their brother or sister.  Read these words to the single pastor, Timothy in 1 Timothy 5:2. "Reverently honor an older woman as you would your mother, and the younger women as sisters."  That is another great decision for those who are dating to make.  In fact, if they treat the opposite sex as a brother or sister, then a friendship may occur which one day might lead them to the one God has for them to marry.  Passionate Dating is definitely about safe sex when you live like who you are in Christ!    

Live Free in Christ,    

Live Free In Christ, Mark Maulding, President and Founder www.GraceLifeInternational.com All Content Copyright © 2013 Mark Maulding