
Showing posts with label Love yourself. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Love yourself. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Do You Accept Yourself and Is It Biblical?

When your life becomes difficult and you believe you just have to talk to someone, what kind of person do you look for? Most of us not only want someone who may have wisdom for our situation but we also search for a person who will accept us no matter what we tell them.
Maybe we believe God loves us and are able to rest in His love for us. Maybe you have even gone so far as to really believe your Heavenly Father accepts you regardless of what you do. But have you taken the next step? Do YOU accept yourself?
Just as it is often more difficult to forgive ourselves than it is to forgive others, it is also more difficult to accept ourselves even though we accept others. This is not only true for the typical Christian; it is also true for Christian leaders. How do I know? Well, first, I was one of them many years ago. I have not been a pastor of a local church in 20 years but I now spend some of my time mentoring, counseling and coaching pastors. Inevitably, this topic rolls around during our conversation. Christian leaders have just as much difficulty accepting themselves as the rest of us. So, why do we struggle so much with this?
It is because we are focused on the wrong criteria for accepting ourselves. Here is what we tend to do. We examine our lives and think about the positive and negative things we do. If we are honest, we hope that we can "score ourselves" in the positive. Some of us inflate that score in our minds so we can accept ourselves. That is prideful. Most of us realize that regardless of the score, there are things about us that we just don't like. So we just cannot accept ourselves.
Let's change our focus. If you have read my previous devotions, hopefully you are convinced God accepts you because He made you acceptable when He gave you His righteousness. It is His acceptance of us that gives us the ability to accept ourselves! Because He accepts us, that is the basis of us accepting ourselves.
Here is what I want you to do this week. I want you to pray something like this often. "Father because you accept me, I accept me." It may feel uncomfortable at first but as the week rolls on, I think you will experience a deeper peace. Do not mistake this for positive thinking as some books teach. This is positive believing in what God declares is true....He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on my behalf, so that I might become the righteousess of God in Him. (2nd Cor. 5:21)

Until next time, remember, He loves us! 

Live Free In Christ, Mark Maulding, President Founder GraceLifeInternational.com

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Is It Biblical to Love Yourself?

The moment we hear or read anyone suggest that we need to love ourselves, most of us as Christians feel uncomfortable. Many have heard that loving yourself is the opposite of loving God. One time a college student told me that if he loved God more he would not keep committing the same habitual sin over and over. Inside his thinking was the idea that he actually loved himself too much and did not love God enough.
When Jesus was asked by the religious leaders of His day what the greatest commandment was, He responded by quoting Deuteronomy 6:5. "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul with all you mind and with all your strength." He followed with the second greatest commandment by quoting Leviticus 18:19, "You shall love your neighbor as yourself."
Please read those scriptures again and answer this question. How many people are we instructed to love? For years, I would have answered "Two. God and others". But that is incorrect. What we see is that we are to love: 1) God above all and with all; 2) Love our neighbor; and 3) Love ourselves. There is a proper love of yourself that our God not only sanctions but expects of us. So how do we love ourselves in a way that is not self-centered, self-indulgent, and self-serving?
God tells us in 1 John 4:19 that we love Him because He first loved us. Paul prays for the Ephesians a great prayer that I pray for my family, my staff and all whom we minister to. The latter part of the prayer tells us that as God answers this prayer, we will "be rooted and grounded" in God's love for us. (Ephesians 3:17)
We can only truly love God when we are at rest in His love for us rather than believing that we must earn His love through obedience. We can only truly love others when we Biblically love ourselves. We can only truly love ourselves when that love is rooted in God's love for us. When our love for ourself is rooted in someone else or something else, it is sinful. When our love for ourself is rooted in God's love He is delighted!
We who are in Christ can love ourselves because God loves us with no strings attached. If you instead loath yourself, you do not really believe in His love for you!
I have personally found great joy and peace in praying the following prayer to my Father often. "Father because you love me, I love me." How about you? Would you be willing to pray that prayer each day as part of your communion with God?
Until next time remenber, He loves us.

Mark Maulding
President and Founder