When we ask God for forgiveness or thank Him for our forgiveness for a sin, we do it with confidence that Jesus already died for that sin. You will never commit a sin Jesus did not already die for. You are not going to surprise your Father one day such that He says, "Oh no! I forgot to put that sin on the cross!" Many of us have received God's forgiveness and are at peace with Him. However, we may still be holding a sin against ourself. In light of this, is forgiving yourself Biblical?
Yes! The second greatest commandment is to "Love your neighbor as yourself" (Mark 12:31). One of your greatest acts of love is to forgive someone. To love someone as we love ourself would mean we may, at times, need to forgive ourself. Many people are disappointed with themselves. Others are angry with themselves. Some actually hate themselves. Sometimes we need to forgive ourself for a sin God has already forgiven. Other times, we need to forgive ourself for a mistake we made, though it was not a sin like when I wrecked my car on a father/son weekend two years ago. Forgiving ourself may be one of the most difficult things we ever do.
A young married man I mentored took four weeks to forgive many people from his past and present. He forgave himself last because he noted he was the most difficult person to forgive. Yet, he's never been the same. I wish you could have seen the before and after expression on his face! God has provided our complete forgiveness in Christ but have we fully forgiven ourselves where needed? If not, our standard for forgiveness is higher than God's. Do it today!
Yes! The second greatest commandment is to "Love your neighbor as yourself" (Mark 12:31). One of your greatest acts of love is to forgive someone. To love someone as we love ourself would mean we may, at times, need to forgive ourself. Many people are disappointed with themselves. Others are angry with themselves. Some actually hate themselves. Sometimes we need to forgive ourself for a sin God has already forgiven. Other times, we need to forgive ourself for a mistake we made, though it was not a sin like when I wrecked my car on a father/son weekend two years ago. Forgiving ourself may be one of the most difficult things we ever do.
A young married man I mentored took four weeks to forgive many people from his past and present. He forgave himself last because he noted he was the most difficult person to forgive. Yet, he's never been the same. I wish you could have seen the before and after expression on his face! God has provided our complete forgiveness in Christ but have we fully forgiven ourselves where needed? If not, our standard for forgiveness is higher than God's. Do it today!
Until next time remenber, He loves us.