
Showing posts with label Temptation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Temptation. Show all posts

Monday, March 24, 2014

Crucified: Sin is Not Your Master

Several years ago, I was praying for our Father to provide another car.  My transmission was going out and I needed another car for all of my ministry travels.  After speaking to a Sunday School class, someone called me who had been there and said, “I think God wants me to give you my car.”  I replied, “I think He does too!”

When I picked up the car and was driving home, I noticed an envelope in the arm rest.  When I opened it, to my surprise there was $500 to pay for my tag and taxes!  I had been given so much more than I realized when this man gave me his car.

The Gospel is that way, too.  When we received Christ, we got so much more than we may realize even now.  One of those blessings is that we died with Christ so dramatically that sin is no longer our master.  Romans 6:7 says, “For when we died with Christ we were set free from the power of sin.” NLT Sin here does not refer to “sinning” but to a power that once ruled over us before our death with Christ.

Why does this matter?  First, the tempting thoughts you have cannot originate with you.  They will sound like you with personal pronouns such as I, me, my, mine but they aren’t from you.

Second, you now have a choice.  You can either obey the thoughts Sin inserts in your mind, or you can obey your new Master, Jesus Christ in you.

The next time you are tempted, remind yourself that Sin is not your boss! Jesus in you is!  Listen to Him!

Live Free In Christ, 
Mark Maulding, President and Founder 
All Content Copyright © 2014 Mark Maulding but may be shared with others!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Pornography Problem? There's An App for That! (Part 2)

What is God's "App" for overcoming pornography?  It is Jesus Christ and the Cross!  That is why understanding what happened "to" you at the Cross is incredibly important. The gospel is more than Jesus died for you sins. It also means you were also crucified with Him!  (Galatians 2:20 and Romans  6:6)   The "you" whose bent was toward sinning, died and was buried in the grave.  "You" no longer exist.  When Jesus rose from the grave, He recreated "you" as an entirely different person.  Do you understand what this means?  Your new identity in Christ no longer allows  your sins to define you!  Your Abba ("Papa") defines you.  So, the new "you" in Christ, is not a lustful person.  "You" are a righteous child of God regardless of how many times you have lusted.

So, where do you start?

First, stop rationalizing it.  Call it what it is.  It is sin.  And, if you are viewing it with any type of frequency, even once a month, you need to admit to yourself that you are addicted.  Stop denying you have a problem.  Stop deceiving youself by thinking, "I am not addicted.  I can stop any time I want."  That thinking is demonically inspired!

Next, go to your Heavenly Father and confess your sin of lust through pornography.  The wonderful news is that you can run to Him with your sin because He loves you and is not mad.  And, best of all, Jesus already died for those sins.  God is not surprised by your sin of lust, but He wants you to live free from it.  As you confess this to our Papa, you never have to wonder if God has forgiven you because of Jesus' death on the Cross. So, either ask Him to forgive you or thank Him for forgiving you.  (Heb. 8:12)

When tempted to look at porn, tell yourself the gospel truth.  "I am not a lustful person.  I choose to agree with God, regardless of my feelings, that I am a righteous child of God!"  Also, at the Cross, "you" died to the Law, meaning that the 10 Commandments nor any other "law" provides power to overcome any temptation.  So, when tempted, take yourself out from under the Law in your mind by saying, "I am not under the Law about lusting.  Because I am under grace, if I lust and look at pornography, God will still love and accept me."  Isn't this true?  And most of all, you have Jesus in you to live through you to meet the deepest needs of your heart and to conquer each temptation you face.  Daily, and when tempted, ask Jesus to fill you with His love for you and to live His life through you.  So, upon agreeing with God that you are not a lustful person,   you may find that you also need to take authority over Satan, in the name of Jesus Christ, and tell the spirits of lust and pornography to leave you and to go where Jesus tells them to go.

Most of all, you need to prepare yourself for your next sexual temptation. Satan is no dummy.  He is going to try to deceive you to reengaging with porn.

You may need to have someone else put a filter which prevents pornographic sites on your computer and phone. Only they will have the password.

Finally ask the Holy Spirit to heal your soul. Pornography warps our perception of people and God's gift of married sex.

How do I know that Jesus is sufficient to overcome the temptation of sexual lust?  It is because about 20 years ago when He gave me understanding about the entire gospel, I was freed from my own sin of habitual lust.  I know He is sufficient for you too!

Need More Help?

If you would like for someone to help you or someone you know with your pornography, our Christian counselors are excellent in helping you overcome this sin.  If you do not live in our area, we may be able to counsel you over the phone or by Skype. Call us at 704-522-9026 or visit our web site for more info on our counseling www.gracelifeinternational.com.

Recommended Reading Winning the Battle Within:  Realistic Steps to Overcoming Sexual Strongholds by Neil T. Anderson

Until next time, remember He loves us!

You may pass this content on to anyone or make copies to use for yourself or others.  However, it may not be published in any form without the written permission of the author.
 All Content Copyright © 2012 Mark Maulding

Friday, April 27, 2012

Pornography Problem? There's an App for That! (Part 1)

50% of Christian men admit to being addicted to pornography. 20% of Christian women admit to being addicted to pornography. 37% of pastors say they struggle with pornography.
These statistics are heart-breaking more than they are shocking. It's no surprise that the main source of porn viewing is on the Internet.

Sadly, the rise of the wonderful tool of technology has also opened the door for the fall of many into the darkness of pornography. Yet, we cannot blame technology alone for this epidemic addiction. There are other forces at work.

Romans 1:18-32 describes the woeful fate of a nation or culture which rejects God as their Creator. This description is not speaking about Christians but those outside of Christ. Every person is given two evidences that the Creator God is present and desires a relationship with them. In Romans 1:19-21, the first evidence is an inward intuitive knowledge everyone is born with. The second evidence is creation itself.

An eventual result of a nation's ongoing rejection of God as Creator is that He "gives them over" to sexual sin. A nation's rejection of God eventually destroys the family. Why? Without being in relationship with God through faith in Jesus Christ, men do not lovingly lead their wives and children. Women do not respectfully submit to their husbands. Children rebel against their parents. These dysfunctional families eventually implode and change the entire nation. The result? God's intended design for sex within marriage begins to spill outside of marriage. The USA experienced this social phenomenon in the 60's during the Hippie era. It was called the "free love" movement.

As our culture today continues to spiral downward into darkness, Christians are being sucked into that vortex in the area of pornography.

Why are Christian men and women addicted to pornography? The short answer is that they are attempting to meet God given needs apart from their love relationship with Jesus Christ. More specific answers include these reasons. Spouses may feel angry, disillusioned or unfulfilled in their marriage. Married couples don't make time for frequent sex. People want to feel something other than their emotional pain, such as, stress, guilt, anxiety, fear, depression, loneliness, rejection, boredom, etc. People accidentially find Internet pornography and make it a habit. People want something which stimulates them for the purpose of sexual release.

At its core, involvement in the sin of pornography is false intimacy with a fantasy partner. In other words, God made all of us with the need to feel loved, accepted, worth something and secure. Pornography involvement is a human attempt to meet those legitimate needs in illegitimate ways. Yet, the sexual sin of pornography cannot fulfill the deep needs of the human heart.  

Live Free In Christ,

Mark Maulding,

President and Founder GraceLifeInternational.com

You may pass this content on to anyone or make copies to use for yourself or others.  However, it may not be published in any form without the written permission of the author.
 All Content Copyright © 2012 Mark Maulding