
Showing posts with label Christian Counselijng. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christian Counselijng. Show all posts

Friday, October 30, 2015

A Thousand Stories I Wish I Could Tell

"A Thousand Stories I Wish I Could Tell"
By Mark Maulding
Written September 24 and 25, 2015
Read October 10, 2015 at GLI's 20 Anniversary Celebration

A thousand stories, I wish I could tell
Of those who have come to us with their own personal hell.

Each story has a familiar ring
Of sadness, rejection, disappointment and sting.

As they trust us with their inner most shame filled thoughts,
We often hear, "You're the only one who knows this though for years for someone like you I've sought."

There are often long-time overdue tears,
That have come from pent up anger, hurt and fears.

As they open their hearts to us, they are wondering inside,
"Do you think I'm crazy or is there really hope for me in Christ?"

When their story we've compassionately heard,
We show them that there is hope to be found in God's Word.

Living life in their own strength has caused many scars,
Because the real culprit called the flesh has put them behind prison bars.

They sit and listen wanting Jesus to be their answer,
But they are skeptical since their turmoil feels like an incurable cancer.

At some point, the light begins to dawn in their heart,
Maybe Jesus is better than I knew from the start.

Complete forgiveness is hard for most to swallow,
When all they've ever been told is "You'll have to confess your sins again tomorrow."

Yet, God's work on the cross in Christ was so complete,
Every sin is forgiven before they commit it which brings them great relief.

And better yet, when we show them the cross has another side,
Their death, burial, and resurrection with Christ causes many to cry.

When they understand that their broken, sinful identity has been crucified,
Great joy arises as they embrace their true, righteous identity in Christ.

"Why haven't I heard this before?" is often shared with a shout.
"Its right here in God's Word, which leaves no doubt."

But the story of the Gospel gets even better again,
When they see they have died to the authority of the law and the power of sin.

Living united with God they finally begin to comprehend,
Was God's desire for all, including them from the beginning to the end.

When we help them become more familiar with hearing God's voice, it brings great comfort causing them to rejoice.

Daily reliance on Christ in them for inner strength,
Soon turns into Spirit produced fruit, blessing others they meet.

Though life for many remains hard year after year,
They now know they are not on their own though Satan might sneer.

Be assured, no one ever gets all of living by grace just right,
But over time, the life of Jesus in them comes more and more to light.

Then when that final enemy named death inevitably comes,

On the other side, they will hear my child and my servant, well done, well done.

Mark Maulding, President and Founder

www.GraceLifeInternational.com All Content Copyright © 2015 Mark Maulding but feel free to pass it on!