If we compare the perfect trust and obedience of Jesus to our own,
our immediate conclusion is that God the Father loves Jesus infinitely more
than He loves us. It is difficult to believe it's possible that we are in
the same league as Jesus when it comes to who God loves. I mean, who do
many parents tend to love or favor the most, the child who is the most obedient
or the child who is disobedient?
Most Christians are unconvinced that our Father loves them apart
from their behavior, attitudes etc. It's easy for them to believe in the
deep recesses of their minds that God is keeping score, doling out His love
more when they obey and withholding it when they don't. I was once one of
them. Though I could recite to you the fact that God loved me
unconditionally, I still functioned as if I could get God's
attention through my obedience so He would love me more.
Jesus turned this thinking on its head when He prayed an amazing
prayer for His present disciples and the ones who would come later. It's found
in John 17:26 "I have made Your name known to them, and will
make it known, so that the love with which You loved Me may be in them, and I
in them."
Jesus says that He has made the name of the Father known to these
who followed Him while on the earth. To make known the name of the Father
is to reveal Who the Father is, which results in Christ followers knowing how
much they are loved.
Can you receive this today? Can you receive that our Father
loves you as much as He loves Jesus, regardless of your good or bad
performance? Jesus prayed for this and I am confident that Father always
answers Jesus' prayers.
Here is a prayer of faith I challenge you to pray, even if you
don't feel or believe you deserve it.
Father, because Jesus prayed for me that You would love me just as
much as You loved Him, I believe that right now. Please deepen my
understanding and experience of Your love for me. Remind me
of this on my good days when life is good and on my bad days when life is
bad. In Jesus Name, Amen.
Rest in God's love!
Warmly in Christ,
Mark Maulding, President and Founder
www.GraceLifeInternational.com All Content Copyright © 2016 Mark Maulding but feel free to pass it on!