
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Discover God's Special Purpose for You

As I was listening at our church recently to Sean McDowell, son of the great apologist, Josh McDowell, preach "Has Science Disproved the Bible", I was overwhelmed by the incredible knowledge and wisdom our God has.  Sean shared that a well known scientist stated that the flagella (tail) of a certain bacteria is the most complicated machine ever.  We know Who designed it.  Later that day, my mind drifted to Ephesians 2:10 which says, "We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in."  (ESV)  As I pondered that, the Holy Spirit seemed to give me an even greater awe at how each of us in Christ was created by God.  Just as flagella were designed by God to propel bacteria, God uniquely designed each of us for a unique special purpose.  Let me explain.    He created your physical body for His purpose.  Psalm 139 tells us that God divinely designed your body.  Your response?  By faith, tell God you accept your body and even the things you do not like as a perfect gift from Him.  Secondly, take care of your body since it is the temple of the Holy Spirit.  Tools to help:  healthy nutrition, exercise, proper sleep and tell God you accept your body as His gift to this world to express Jesus!  You may want to consider a Christian health and wellness coach.
   He gave you specific abilities and talents.  Luke 19:12-27  Your response?  Understand them and develop them trusting Christ to live through them.  Tools:  Read a book such as, "Strengths Finder 2.0" by Tom Rath.  Also, list the things you really enjoy and are good at.  
   He gifted you with certain spiritual gifts.  Romans 12 and 1 Corinthians 14.  Your response?  Understand what they are and use them with love.  Tools:  Take a Spiritual Gifts Assessment such as offered by PLACE Ministries at www.placeministries.org.  What gifts have others affirmed in you?   
   He gave you your unique personality.  Psalm 139  Your response?  Understand it and accept it as God's unique instrument for expressing Himself to those around you.  Stop trying to be someone you are not.  Also, let God free you from any "fleshly" aspects of your personality type.  Tools:  Take the DISC Profile and/or 4 Temperaments Assessment such as offered by PLACE Ministries.  
   You have had experiences which have prepared you to fulfill God's purpose.  2 Corinthians 1:3-4 Sometimes this includes your failures as well as your successes.  Your response?  Write down the experiences in life you have had and ask God which of those He might want to use.  Tools:  List them.  
   He has given you specific grace/passion.  In Galatians 2:7-8 Paul writes that he had been given specific grace by God to minister to the non-Jews.  You too have been given very specific grace to minister.  This is why you are drawn to certain types of activities/ministries over and over.  Tools:  Passion assessments such as by PLACE Ministries.      When you are trusting Christ to live through you in all of these areas, whether you work for a business or a ministry, you are living in your divine design.  It is your "sweet spot".  There you will be the most fulfilled, the most effective, and the most fruitful.  And God will be the most glorified.  That is what it means when we believe Philippians 1:21 "For me to live is Christ..."
   If you want to learn more about living in your divine design, I highly recommend a wonderful ministry, Crossroads Career Network, by my good friend, Brian Ray.  I have taken his course and it was fabulous.  Find out more at www.crossroadscareer.org.

(Please note:  While I was editing my devotion last week, "6 Primary Stages in Our Spiritual Journey", I inadvertently deleted the following very important sentence,"These are also based on the book, 'The Critical Journey: Stages in the Life of Faith' by Janet Hagberg and Robert A Guelich, along with several other articles and books.)   

Live Free in Christ,  

Mark Maulding, President and Founder

 All Content Copyright © 2012 Mark Maulding