
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

You Can't Mature unless You Believe You are Righteous

        When my oldest son was 15, he was the smallest guy in his high school.  Being concerned, I took him to a Naturopathic doctor who prescribed two amino acids.  Whether it was the supplements or just coincidental, within 5 months he had grown 5 ½ inches!
      This reminds me of a rarely understood Biblical truth stated in the title.  This may sound outlandish but the Bible is emphatic.  We absolutely will be stunted in our spiritual growth unless we believe we are righteous.  We will crash into a wall preventing us from growing spiritually unless we believe we are righteous.  We will hit a ceiling preventing us from growing spiritually unless we believe we are righteous.  
      Hebrew 5:13 says, "Anyone who lives on milk, still being an infant, is not acquainted with the teaching about righteousness".  Read it again.  Now read it again slowly.   The Holy Spirit gives us an illustration from our human world that we all understand.  Any child who is drawing nourishment from milk only, instead of solid food, is a baby.  The spiritual parallel is that any Christian drinking only spiritual milk will be stunted in their spiritual growth.   We need to go beyond the milk of God's Word to solid spiritual food.  That food is the teaching that we are righteous in Christ.  Only by understanding that we are righteous can we fully mature.  Only by believing that we are righteous can we fully mature.  Only by resting in the reality that we are righteous can we fully mature.  Only by reminding ourselves that we are righteous can we fully mature.  Only by living out our identity in Christ as righteous people can we fully mature.
      On a personal note, when I began to really understand this, sins which I had never been able to conquer were defeated and are no more.   My relationships with people began to improve, especially with my family.  My sense of inner peace was greatly deepened.  And foremost, I experienced God's love in a way that human words are unable to adequately describe.  I also want you to know that I did not stop sinning but I was very different.
       If Hebrew 5:13 has spoken to you, I would like for you to pray this prayer daily, as often as you like.   "Father, because you say I am righteous, I say I am righteous." Are you willing? Then go for it even if your feelings are contrary to it.

Until next time, remember He loves us!

Live Free In Christ, Mark Maulding, President and Founder

 All Content Copyright © 2012 Mark Maulding