
Thursday, February 19, 2015

Grace-Onoimics: You Can't "Out-sin" God's Grace!

I was a sophomore in high school who loved competing in basketball for our team.  I had a key to our gym and played almost every day, even during the summer.  However, everyone on the team was also required by the coach to play a second sport; so, I chose to run track.

I was 6'4" and as skinny as a bean pole but for some reason I was fast, that is fast enough to be on the one mile relay team. That meant that all four of us had to run around the track one time and then pass the baton to the next person.  I ran the third perlegon a team of very fast seniors.

One day, we were competing against a rival team and I became nervous when I discovered I was running against the fastest guy in our region.  He was a muscular football player and I wondered how this was going to turn out.  In the race, I received the baton about 30 feet ahead of him.  My plan was to run at 5/6's speed until I reached the final turn, then go as fast as I could. About half way, I heard his steps and he was gaining on me.  Now I had to change my tactics.  I needed to match his speed to keep our distance.  When he ran faster, I ran faster.  When he turned on his final sprint, I turned on my final sprint... and, it worked.  He never did catch me no, matter how fast he ran.  I passed the baton to our last runner and we won the race. It was a great day.

Romans 5:20 gives us the picture of a similar race in our own lives.  It is the race of sin versus God's grace. 

All that passing laws against sin did was produce more lawbreakers. But sin didn't, and doesn't, have a chance in competition with the aggressive forgiveness we call grace. When it's sin versus grace, grace wins hands down. (The Message)

The sins of someone who has not received Christ is never greater than the ability of God's grace to save that person.   In the same way, the sins of someone who is in Christ are never greater than God's grace to keep that person 100% acceptable to God.

Some worry that if we tell Christians this amazing truth of the New Covenant, they will see grace as a license to sin.   However, our identity in Christ tells us that God's law has been written on our hearts according to Hebrews 10:16-17.  This means that God's character is the very core of who we are now.  Though we can sin, our deepest desire is to live a life consistent with who we are in Christ and who He is in us.  When people have a growing understanding from the Holy Spirit of who they are in Christ, they don't live for sin but rather they live for Jesus  - relying on Him to live through them.

I remember one man telling me a few years ago that the more he understood grace, the more he was able to live more faithful to his wife as he overcame pornography.  Another man was delighted to understand that he could now live in the freedom of holiness instead of his bondage to cocaine because of God's strong grace.  God's grace is always stronger and faster than sin!

How about you, do you believe you can't "out-sin" God's grace or do you live in fear that you might?  Let's believe the New Covenant this week according to Romans 5:20 and grow spiritually so we can live free and holy in Christ.  
For the Freedom of Others,

Mark Maulding 
President and Founder

www.GraceLifeInternational.com All Content Copyright © 2015 Mark Maulding but feel free to pass it on!

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Grace-Onomics: God is Good, Even When Life is Bad

Dear Mark, 

This week, my friend Dale Dunnewold, President of Grace Ministries Tennessee, is my guest writer.  He was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer a few days ago and what he write here is amazing.  It will inspire you to live by faith more and to know Jesus in you better.

I have always hated the testimonies at church, "My parents were in a accident, but they walked away from it without injury.  God is good." Especially after my mom was killed in a traffic accident 14 years ago, I wanted to scream, "Does that mean God is not good?"

Going all the way back to the garden, it was never God's plan for us to judge good and evil.  That was His job.  We were just called to walk with Him.  But ever since Adam and Eve ate of the tree of knowledge of Good and Evil, we've deemed ourselves worthy to judge even God over good and evil.  Since our wisdom is limited to this 80 year span, we make judgments that seem valid.  We can't see outside our understanding.  So if God is doing things to make these 80 years better, then He is good. If we need something to be okay in this life, and God doesn't provide it, then we feel abandoned.

The disciples felt abandoned.  When Jesus died, they were left in shock.  When He had talked about being King, bringing His Kingdom, they put that in their understanding.  Obviously He had come to fix their current situation.  He was going to rise up and set them free from Roman rule.  He was going to be King in Jerusalem.  He had come to their rescue.  He was good.  But now that He was dead, their hope was gone.  They went back to their jobs.  They had trusted a fake.

But He came back to life and changed all that.  He showed them what His Kingdom was all about.  Then leaving them with His Holy Spirit, they entered into an intimacy with God that had never been possible before.  Here was a Kingdom that offered complete acceptance, love, forgiveness, sonship from their Creator.  The mystery of all that Jesus had been speaking of, now revealed, Christ in you, the Hope of Glory!

These men went on to face persecution and death, but they lived life with a passion that came from an intimate connection with Father God.  The Kingdom was way bigger than they had ever dreamed.  No matter how bad their circumstances became, His Kingdom was their anchor.  Jesus, not their circumstances, was life to them.

So when life is unfair, when God doesn't answer our prayers, when we don't get healed, when terrorists take out Christian villages in Africa, when children are sold into slavery, where is God?  If our understanding is exhaustive and complete, then we can say, "God doesn't care." "He has abandoned us."  "God is not good."  But if our understanding is only a microcosm of God's full, infinite knowledge, let's remember that His original plan was for us to take our cues from Him. He is the One with wisdom, knowledge and insight.  He is Love. God is Good.

I'm not afraid to die. That's not a big deal to me.  But the idea of leaving my family is unbearable. So my prayer is that God would heal me from this cancer in my body, whether through His supernatural touch or by the hands of doctors.  But whatever the outcome my anchor is still that God is good and His nearness is my good.

Dale Dunnewold

Please pray for Dale and his family.  Also, if you would like to keep up with him, he is on Facebook.
For the Freedom of Others,
                               Mark Maulding 

All Content Copyright © 2015 Mark Maulding but it can always be shared with others! 


Mark Maulding, President and Founder

www.GraceLifeInternational.com All Content Copyright © 2015 Mark Maulding but feel free to pass it on!

Friday, February 6, 2015

Grace-Onomics: Net-Worth Does Not Equal Self-Worth

Just say the name "Rockefeller" and anyone in the USA immediately equates this name with one of the wealthiest families in the history of this country.  John D. Rockefeller co-founded the Standard Oil Company in 1870 with a few others just when the gasoline industry was in its infancy.  Little did anyone realize at the time just how much the world was going to need gasoline.  
As the industry began to boom, Mr. Rockefeller became the first billionaire in the world.  He eventually left the company and lived in retirement for the last 40 years of his life.  To his credit, he became the inventor of what is known as philanthropy, strategically giving a majority of his wealth away to endeavors such as medicine, education and scientific research. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_D._Rockefeller)
Eileen Rockefeller is one of his current day heirs.  She is the great granddaughter of John D.  In an interview by Mo Rocca with CBS, Mrs. Rockefeller made a statement that is worthy of every person's consideration.  At one point during the interview, Rocca said that most people would like to have the problems Mrs. Rockefeller had.  Take note of her response.
"There is no question that the privileges have way outweighed the responsibilities, the difficulties. But where I think I feel common ground with everybody watching is that we all suffer from something growing up. And it doesn't matter if we have money or don't have money; we suffer in our own ways. And the net worth of our bank account is not nearly so important, ultimately, as the self-worth."  (http://www.cbsnews.com/news/growing-up-rockefeller/2/)
For we who are in Christ, of all of the people in the world, we should jump up and say, "Yea".  Our self-worth is based not on our net-worth but on our heavenly-worth.  Everything in this world is ultimately valued by what another is willing to give for it.
For example, imagine that you had a diamond and wanted to know its real worth. Who would you go to?  You would go to an expert jeweler.  Let's say you do that and she tells you it is worth $1 million.  That would be quite a diamond, wouldn't it?  Now, ponder this question. What about us?  Where do we sometimes go to determine our worth?  Well, the reality is that we go to our spouse, friends, marital status, finances, job, sports, personal performance, religion and more in looking for our answer.  Yet all of these places are very finicky.  The best place and only fulfilling place to go is to our Creator.
When He looks at we who have placed our faith in Christ, He has made our worth clearer than The Hope Diamond.  He says, "To me, you are worth my son Jesus Christ.  I gave Him for you." Talk about authentic self-worth!  That is fantabulous times a zillion! You are the pearl of great value spoken about in Matthew 13:45-46.  "Again, the Kingdom of Heaven is like a merchant on the lookout for choice pearls. When he discovered a pearl of great value, he sold everything he owned and bought it! "
I challenge you this week, to believe in your self-worth in Christ by agreeing with God and by confessing what He says is true about you over and over out loud.  
Father, because You gave Your son Jesus Christ for me, You have proven that I have great worth in Your eyes.  So, because You say I have great worth, I agree with You that I have great worth.  

For the Freedom of Others,
                               Mark Maulding 
(on behalf of the GLI staff)    

All Content Copyright © 2015 Mark Maulding but it can always be shared with others! 

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Grace-Onomics: Turning Debt into Wealth

In the world of investing, there are basic economic principles you must abide by to gain more money.  For example, the average person must invest at least a little money each month if they have any hope of having any savings for retirement.   Most financial engines predict that a 25 year old who invests $100 per month, will have close to $120,000 at retirement. 

I have friends older than me who have never put any money in retirement personally or through their work.  It concerns me because if you start investing $0 at age 25, you will have $0 for retirement.

But in God's kingdom, there is something I call Grace-Onomics because it doesn't follow these principles at all.  In fact, in
Grace-Onomics, many things are the complete opposite of economics.

For example, we have spiritual debt which we all owe God.  This debt is a result of us investing our lives in sin.  Sin is the lifestyle of relying on ourselves rather than Jesus Christ according to Romans 14:23c
For whatever does not proceed from faith is sin.   As a result, we owe God for every moment we have not lived by faith in Him.  We can't begin to imagine how often this has occurred!

When we come to faith in Christ, we give Him our investment in sin which is our debt.  Because He operates from grace, He provides returns that are the opposite of economics.  In economics, if you give your debt to your creditors over and over, you will receive the return of bankruptcy with 7 - 10 years of bad credit.  But in Grace-Onomics, for our debt we give to God, He provides us amazingly positive returns.  In this case, the return we receive is His infinite wealth of forgiveness.  His forgiveness is not only for our past debt but also any debt from our present or future sins.  This gift of infinite forgiveness did not come without a cost, though.  It cost God the death of His Son, Jesus Christ on the cross.  Hebrews 9:22 ...all things are cleansed with blood, and without shedding of blood there is no forgiveness.  Jesus removed our debt.  Then when He was resurrected, He brought with Him this infinite wealth of total forgiveness for us to receive.

That's a pretty good deal, even better than one Warren Buffett, a genius in the investing world, could provide for you.  We give our debt to God and He returns to us forgiveness which has no limits!

Some people have wealth but never enjoy it or bless others with it.  Hetty Green inherited $5 million at age 30 and turned it into $100 million by the time of her death, making her the richest women in the United States in 1916.  Yet, she apparently never enjoyed any of her wealth, nor did she allow anyone else to enjoy it.  She refused to use hot water, wash her clothes or provide her son, Ned, with decent medical care when he broke his leg.  He eventually had to have his leg amputated as a result!  (Forbes Special Issue; The 2014 investment Guide II and Wikipedia)

You and I have the infinite wealth of God's forgiveness in Christ.  (Eph. 1:7)  Let's first revel in it but not only for ourselves, let's pass it along by forgiving those who owe us love but have given us indifference, owe us acceptance but have given us rejection and who owe us respect but have given us shame.  (Eph. 4:30-31)   This incredible forgiveness is not only for us but for others, too.

Why don't you stop for a moment and ask God if there are any sins you haven't believed Jesus died to forgive either for yourself or others.  Then jump into the wealth of your gift of forgiveness in Christ by faith.  But don't stop there!  Ask Him if there is anyone you haven't forgiven. Then before God, tell Him you forgive them, for that "thing" they did.

For the Freedom of Others,

Mark Maulding, President and Founder

www.GraceLifeInternational.com All Content Copyright © 2015 Mark Maulding but feel free to pass it on!

Saturday, January 10, 2015

The Next Big Thing!

I have been eagerly waiting to write this blog for weeks!  First, Jesus is the next big thing, the last big thing and today's big thing at GLI, always. But in regard to our ministry to share Him, TNBT is here at GLI and it is all for your enjoyment and benefit.  Here it is!

1. We have an awesome NEW WEBSITE that will bless you and blow your mind!  Take two minutes and take a look.  Then recommend it to your family and friends who are hurting or spiritually hungry.  www.GraceLifeInternational.com

 2. You can be ministered to ONLINE by our incredible staff in these areas, regardless of where you live, whether it is California, Croatia, or the Carolinas.  To find out more, visit our new website.  www.GraceLifeInternational.com

              a. Counseling
              b. Conferences
              c. Advanced Discipleship Training

May 2015 be the year you experience grace instead of legalism, Jesus instead of religion, freedom instead of bondage, love instead of disappointment, emotional and mental healing instead of pain, Christ loving people through you to bless people, instead of the self-centeredness of the deadly self-life!

Believe it!  It's the Gospel.

Live Free In Christ,

Mark Maulding, President and Founder

www.GraceLifeInternational.com All Content Copyright © 2015 Mark Maulding

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Have You Opened Your Two Gifts From God?

Do you have any gifts from last Christmas which you have never opened?  If so, you can send them to me!  The reality is that you probably don't.  Most of us have such anticipation of opening our gifts; we struggle to even wait until Christmas!  One of my own sons always looked at his gifts in stealth before Christmas and then perfectly put the wrapping paper back on them.

Sadly, many of us have two gifts God gave that we have never opened.  These two gifts have been provided for the transformation of our lives and relationships.  Interested in knowing what they are?  According to Romans 5:17, they are abundant grace and righteousness.  "Much more those who receive the abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ." 

God says if we open these gifts and enjoy them, we will reign in life through our relationship with Jesus.  So, what does this look like in real life?

Abundant grace means the limitless life of Jesus Christ is in us.  He is in us to give us the most satisfying intimacy we can ever experience while on this earth.  One of my first staff members was what is often termed as a "complete Jew" because at 16 he received Christ as His personal Messiah.  However, over time, he fell into deep depression and tried everything he knew to free himself from it.  That all changed when he began to understand and live by God's abundant grace so much so that an elder at his church once told me that he was one of the most changed persons he knew.   That's reigning in life!

The gift of righteousness means that because we are in Christ, God has made us as righteous as Jesus.  He did this by replacing our former identity of being a sinner with a new identity of being righteous.  Romans 5:19 describes it by contrasting the identity we received from Adam with the one we received from Jesus. "For as through the one man's disobedience the many were made sinners, even so through the obedience of the One the many will be made righteous."   As a result, you are always 100% righteous in your spirit.   

I met Billy at a pastors' retreat.  Just before I took the stage, he asked me what I was going to speak on, trying to decide whether he wanted to stay.  When I shared a little of my message, he did stay and discovered that though he had lived a very fleshly rebellious life until recently, God still viewed him as righteous instead of a dirty rotten sinner.  Before, he had seen himself as unworthy of marrying a godly Christian girl.  Afterwards, he realized that was a lie.  Why?  Because he opened his gift of righteousness by believing he was 100% righteous.  It wasn't long before our Papa brought him a wonderful Christian girl to be his wife.  He is now a full-time student pastor with a very fruitful ministry.

You can also open these gifts today but only through faith.   To open the gift of abundant grace is to depend on Jesus Christ in you, to meet your deep need for intimacy and then to live His life through you.  To open the gift of righteousness is to believe that your identity in Christ makes you as righteous as Him. 

Why don't you open these two gifts right now?  Here is a suggested prayer for you to pray today and beyond.

"Jesus, I know that I have tried many ways to find intimacy but I realize none of those will ever satisfy me. I choose to believe that You are in me to be my eternal companion, offering me intimacy far beyond what any human could ever give.  Though I may not feel it today, I believe You live in me to love me, to talk with me and listen to me.  I am also convinced that without You I can do nothing in any area of my life.  I ask You to fill me with Your love for me and to live Your life through me today in all that I do, especially in my relationships.  Finally, Jesus, I believe when You gave me the gift of Your righteousness it became my righteousness.  This is my true identity regardless of how often I have failed or succeeded.   I choose to believe that I am righteous regardless of my behavior, circumstances or feelings.  Please remind me often to enjoy these two gifts which You gave me.  Amen"

Believe it! It's the Gospel.

Live Free In Christ,

Mark Maulding, President and Founder

www.GraceLifeInternational.com All Content Copyright © 2014 Mark Maulding

Friday, December 12, 2014

Will God Curse You If You Don't Give?

Most of my life, I heard sermon after sermon that if you don't give, God is going to curse you and you will get a flat tire or something even worse!  But if you give, and it has to be at least 10% or it doesn't count, God will bless you financially in ways you could never imagine.  I heard it so much, I believed it and preached it at the first church I pastored.  The main Scripture used for this teaching is from Malachi 3:8-10 (I think he was the Spanish prophet!  His name sounds like a mariachi band.)

8)"Will a man rob God? Yet you are robbing Me! But you say, 'How have we robbed You?' In tithes and offerings. 9) You are cursed with a curse, for you are robbing Me, the whole nation of you! 10) Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, so that there may be food in My house, and test Me now in this," says the Lord of hosts, "if I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you a blessing until it overflows." 

There are some who will hedge a bit, acknowledging that we are to give by grace, but then make us feel guilty by saying things like this.  "You, who want to say we are under grace in our giving, remember that grace always does more than the law, so you should give more than 10%!"  Sadly, I believed and preached that, for many years, also.

However, when God began to show me His economy in the New Covenant, I began to question all of this teaching. As I kept studying Scripture, God affirmed that He definitely wants us to give, but not because of any of the reasons mentioned above.

Let's step back for a minute and look at those Malachi verses.  It seems like our motivation for giving is primarily fear.  Fear of financial punishment and fear of not getting a financial blessing.   Also, if we look closely at these Scriptures, they precisely fit the arrangement God had with Israel in the Old Covenant whichwas:  "If you obey Me, I will bless you.  If you disobey me, I will curse you." (See Deuteronomy 28.)

Yet, we are New Covenant people who are not obligated to keep the external standards of the Old Covenant Law.  God has placed His Laws on our hearts and minds, meaning He has put His character in us.  This gives us the desire and ability to live from the inside out instead of the outside in.  (Hebrews 10:16)  This applies to our giving as well.   He does not want us to feel obligated to give, or guilty, motivated by Law.  He wants us to give as a result of Who He is in us.  Is our God a generous God? Absolutely!

Most teaching on giving causes people to think that they can only be defined as a "generous person", if they give generously.  The New Covenant, however, turns that definition on its head by defining us by what Jesus has done, not what we do.  This means that we are generous people in Christ, whether we give or not.  It's simply who we are deep within, in our spirit, in our identity in Christ.

A good friend of mine, Pastor Brad Lynch, began teaching his people that they were generous people in Christ.  His encouragement to them was to embrace this and then to live like who they are in.  He didn't set a percentage for them to shoot for; he simply reminded them over and over that in Christ, they are generous.   Then he challenged them to begin asking God how much He wanted them to give.  In other words, he exhorted them to live by grace instead of law in their giving.  Then, an amazing thing happened.  The giving at the church doubled!  Grace does do more than the law, but not because of guilt; rather because of love.

When I was a pastor, I began to understand "grace giving" instead of "law giving".   I stood in the pulpit one Sunday and told the congregation what God had been showing me from Scripture.  I then took them through the Scriptures to unfold it for them.   Then, I paused, told them I was sorry I had taught them "law giving" instead of "grace giving" and asked them to forgive me.  But I didn't stop there.  I challenged them to go home, pray, ask God how much he wanted them to give, and then obey Him.  To be honest, I was taking a huge risk.  This was a brand new church and my salary was directly tied to the weekly giving but I knew I had to be honest and tell them the truth no matter the consequences.

Guess what happened?  The giving increased!  Imagine that, when you take people out from under the law, they are then free to listen to God, and live like who they truly are in Christ!

How about you?  Do you feel condemned, feeling like you never measure up in your giving?  Or, do you give generously but it's out of fear and obligation?  You died to all of that with Christ on the cross according to Romans 7:4.  God wants you to give cheerfully out of Who He is in you and who you are in Christ.  Let go of a law mentality and live from a grace mentality.   Ask Him how much He wants you to give, and then respond by faith.  You will experience joy instead of condemnation. 

Believe it! It's the Gospel.

Live Free In Christ,

Mark Maulding, President and Founder

www.GraceLifeInternational.com All Content Copyright © 2014 Mark Maulding but please pass it along!