
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Are We Really Righteous of Does God Just See Us that Way?

In our ministry, week in and week out, we teach people from Scripture that through their faith in Christ, they are righteous. Over time, most cannot deny that the Gospel, as explained in the Scriptures, is clear that God has declared us to be righteous. (See Romans 3:21-22:5:15. 17, 19, 1 Cor. 1:30, 2 cor. 5:21, Heb. 5:13.) However, we sometimes discover that though they believe this, their understanding of it may not be complete.
In our Grace Life Conference, which we teach in our office monthly, and in churches or groups hosting the Conference, we spend quite a bit of time clarifying this Biblical reality. I am going to share today what we teach about this. It is called, "Deceptions Regarding Our Righteousness".
Deception 1: God says I am righteous because, I am covered with the robe of righteousness. This is Biblical, but misunderstood. Many wrongly believe that under this robe God sees a sinner.
Deception 2: God says I am righteous because I am covered by the blood of Christ. Thank God for the precious blood of Christ shed for our sins! Yet, similar to #1, many wrongly believe that underneath the blood of Christ, God still sees a sinner.
Deception 3: God says I am righteous, because Christ is my filter. The erroneous idea here, is that God hides me behind Jesus Christ, because He can't bear to look at me.
Deception 4: God says I am righteous because of my position in Christ. This one is tricky because we are certainly in Christ. Yet, the way it is usually taught is that, this really means God sees me as righteous, but, I won't really be righteous until I go to heaven. So, He is kind of "pretending". That completely negates the new birth that has already happened!
Deception 5: God says I am righteous because when He looks at me He only sees Christ in me. Without a doubt, Jesus Christ is in us! But, for our holy God to live in us, He had to prepare a place to live. He had to cure once and for all two problems...remove our sin, and the sinner. He also had to replace our sinner spirit with a new creation spirit, which is righteous. Only by doing this, can God live in us.
Deception 6: God says I am righteous because, He has completely forgiven me. The forgiveness we possess in Christ is incredibly powerful. However, forgiveness only removes my unrighteousness. It does not give me righteousness.
One pastor exclaimed after understanding that he had believed all of the deceptions, "I knew I was saved, but I didn't know I was that saved"! Oh, how many of us could probably say the same thing!
Are you willing to pray and thank your heavenly Father for revealing these deceptions, and agree with Him, that you are righteous through your faith in Christ?

Be Free In Christ, Mark Maulding, President Founder GraceLifeInternational.com

Friday, January 27, 2012

Do You Accept Yourself?

Do you have any Christmas gifts you have not opened from last Christmas yet?   I doubt you do. Most people can't wait to open their gifts. In fact, if you have a Christmas gift you have not opened by now, something must be wrong and maybe you need counseling! Just kidding. I ask this because of the obvious ludicrousy of this scenario - having a gift but never opening it.
Yet, in our ministry we have discovered that many, if not most, Christians have a gift from God they have never opened.   They were given this gift the moment they were saved. This gift has not been taken back by God. We have had it every single day, every single minute since the day of our salvation. It is the gift of righteousness.
Romans 5:17 is one of my very favorite verses in the Bible. In it, the Holy Spirit writes, "Those who receive the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ."   Let's unpack that verse carefully.   The main overarching idea is God has provided a way for us to live our lives in the way He always intended. We have the potential to live life to the max! But how?   First, live every day by grace. The opposite of grace is to live life by rules or by self-help. To live by grace means to live daily enjoying Jesus Christ in us and then depending on Him to live through us. Second, we need to "receive" the gift of righteousness. This does not mean you and I don't have the gift of righteousness. It means, because of our lack of understanding the gospel, we really haven't "unwrapped" this precious incredibly valuable gift.  
So how do we unwrap or receive the gift of righteousness?   The truth is simple, but believing the truth here may be difficult for you. To receive the gift of righteousness it means that you must believe God made you totally righteous in your identity in Christ the moment He saved you. This does not mean you have or will live a perfectly righteous life, but it does mean that who you are deep within, is a righteous son or daughter of God.
One time, I asked a young married man, who was a believer in Christ, "How righteous are you"?   He paused and said, "Well it depends upon the day". He had not received the free gift of righteousness. His gift was unwrapped.
So, here is the million dollar question. Do you believe that you are righteous through your faith in Christ (not your good deeds or obedience to God)? 
            Until next time, remember He love us!          

Live Free In Christ, Mark Maulding, President Founder GraceLifeInternational.com

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Are You as Righteous as Your Pastor?

Are you as righteous as your pastor? Are you as righteous as Billy Graham? Are you as righteous as Jesus Christ? Unless you answered "yes" to all three of those questions, your understanding of the Gospel is incorrect.
You may be protesting in your mind reasoning that your could not possibly be as righteous as Jesus Christ because you are keenly aware of your sins and failures. And in one sense, you are right to think that way. God's Word tells us that our righteousness is like "filthy rags". (Isaiah 64:6) The apostle Paul said that he was perfect when it came to the righteousness which comes from obeying the 10 Commandments (Philippians 4:6). Yet, he later denounced this type of righteousness because it is "self-righteousness". It is produced by you trying to live a good or even a godly life in hopes that it will make you more righteous before God. This is the righteousness God detests and finds unacceptable.
For many years, deep within, I falsely believed that if I could obey God more, He would be more pleased with such obedience that He would love and accept me more.   While it is important to live a life which pleases Him, what I believed was not only error, the stress of living that way eventually burned me out. So much so, that when I read the Bible my stomach hurt!   Don't get me wrong, I believed theologically that God accepted me but beneath that factual knowledge, I really believed I had to earn His acceptance. I was in Christ, but I was living in the trap and sin of self-righteousness. It almost killed me!
Romans 5:19 says, "For just as through the disobedience of the one man the many were made sinners, so also through the obedience of the One the many will be made righteous." Adam's disobedience in the garden made us sinners. Jesus obedience on the Cross makes us 100% righteous through our faith in Him.
Today, I urge you to confess your sin of self-righteousness to God and receive His forgiveness. But don't stop there.  Tell Him you believe you are now righteous because of Jesus' obedience and not yours!

Until next time, remember He loves us.   

Be Free In Christ, Mark Maulding, President Founder GraceLifeInternational.com

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Does God Really Accept Us Unconditionally?

In our ministry we have asked many Christians through the years if they grew up feeling loved.  The majority have answered in the affirmative.  The next question though is often answered differently.  Let me ask you that question.  "Did you feel accepted growing up?"  Think about that for a minute.  I am not asking if people said they accepted you.  The question is "Did you 'feel' accepted?" 
One of the deep God-given needs of the human heart is to feel accepted.  Acceptance is the unconditional part of love.  It means that when someone accepts us, there are no conditions upon that acceptance.  We can't mess it up by making a mistake, committing a sin or failing.  There is no human being in our lives who can meet this need for us completely. 
However, God is able to accept all those who are in Christ through faith.  The question is "why does He accept us?"  Is it simply because He is kind, merciful and full of grace so that He overlooks our faults and sins?  While He is all of these and more, there is another very important reason He accepts who we are in Christ.  It is because through the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus, He has made all of us who have faith in His son 100% righteous! 
What is righteousness?  It means to be right, to be perfect, to be perfect in character.  God's righteousness is the perfection of all of His character.  Amazingly, through our faith in His Son, God removes the unrighteousness of our past, present and future sins.  He also, replaces our sinner identity with a righteous identity. 
2nd Corinthians 5:21 says it this way.  "God made Him who knew no sin to become sin that we might become the righteousness of God in Him."  Wow!  Do you see the divine exchange which occurred?  Jesus Christ became our sin on the cross and we became as righteous as God!  That is, God gave us His perfect character in exchange for our sin.  This does not mean He gave us His deity though.  We are and will always be humans.
God's gift of righteousness is the reason He can accept you.  This has made you 100% acceptable to Him!  You can't diminish that righteousness by sinning nor increase it through obedience.  I urge you to believe it, because you will be in agreement with God's Word. 

Be Free In Christ, Mark Maulding, President Founder 
Grace Life International  www.GraceLifeInternational.com

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Is It Biblical to Love Yourself?

The moment we hear or read anyone suggest that we need to love ourselves, most of us as Christians feel uncomfortable. Many have heard that loving yourself is the opposite of loving God. One time a college student told me that if he loved God more he would not keep committing the same habitual sin over and over. Inside his thinking was the idea that he actually loved himself too much and did not love God enough.
When Jesus was asked by the religious leaders of His day what the greatest commandment was, He responded by quoting Deuteronomy 6:5. "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul with all you mind and with all your strength." He followed with the second greatest commandment by quoting Leviticus 18:19, "You shall love your neighbor as yourself."
Please read those scriptures again and answer this question. How many people are we instructed to love? For years, I would have answered "Two. God and others". But that is incorrect. What we see is that we are to love: 1) God above all and with all; 2) Love our neighbor; and 3) Love ourselves. There is a proper love of yourself that our God not only sanctions but expects of us. So how do we love ourselves in a way that is not self-centered, self-indulgent, and self-serving?
God tells us in 1 John 4:19 that we love Him because He first loved us. Paul prays for the Ephesians a great prayer that I pray for my family, my staff and all whom we minister to. The latter part of the prayer tells us that as God answers this prayer, we will "be rooted and grounded" in God's love for us. (Ephesians 3:17)
We can only truly love God when we are at rest in His love for us rather than believing that we must earn His love through obedience. We can only truly love others when we Biblically love ourselves. We can only truly love ourselves when that love is rooted in God's love for us. When our love for ourself is rooted in someone else or something else, it is sinful. When our love for ourself is rooted in God's love He is delighted!
We who are in Christ can love ourselves because God loves us with no strings attached. If you instead loath yourself, you do not really believe in His love for you!
I have personally found great joy and peace in praying the following prayer to my Father often. "Father because you love me, I love me." How about you? Would you be willing to pray that prayer each day as part of your communion with God?
Until next time remenber, He loves us.

Mark Maulding
President and Founder

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Should We Make New Years Resolutions?

      Happy New Year!  As 2012 quickly approaches, we often think of New Years resolutions we would like to make for the coming year.   We think of things such as losing weight, begin exercising, start journaling, reading a set number of books, reading the Bible all the way through and more.  Most of us know that the problem is we don't seem to be able to follow through and after a few weeks into the new year, we begin to miss a day here and another there.  Soon we have missed a week and before we realize it, we have stopped completely.   The results are that we feel guilty, frustrated, and maybe like a failure. 
      Is there an alternative to making New Years Resolutions?  Yes!  Let me suggest a different approach.   I call them Prayer Goals.  Why not go to your Abba in prayer and ask Him what goals he wants you to pursue in 2012?  For the remainder of the week, continue to ask Him.  How will he show you these goals?   They may be new desires he puts in your heart, a sermon you hear, a suggestion from a family member, a Scripture, etc.  As these ideas come to mind, write them down and pray over each one.
     Once you have identified the goals your Abba has for you for the coming year, rather that resolving that you are going to do these through your own self-discipline and will power, you may want to pray something like this. "Father, I believe these goals are ones You have given to me for this new year yet, I know that I do not have the ability to accomplish them in my own strength. Therefore, I surrender each one of these to you asking you to accomplish these through me. Each time I begin to work towards meeting these goals, remind me to ask Jesus to live through me because Jesus says "Without me you can do nothing." John 15:5
      Finally, pray and tell God that you are taking yourself out from under any kind of self-imposed law which rises up and says to you, "I must meet these goals".  This is how we live under and by grace instead of self-effort and legalistic rules.
      As you approach these goals each day, week or month, trusting Jesus to live through you is essential.  However, that does not mean you are passive or irresponsible.   For example, if you are going to start exercising, you will need to trust Jesus living through you to prioritize your schedule, get you to the gym, do the exercises through you, and to be consistent.
     Happy New Year in Christ!  Remember, He loves us!  Live free in Christ!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

How to Prepare to Be with Your Family for the Holidays

     One Christmas song invites us to go home to be with our family for Christmas because it is the best place in the world. We can't wait to get there. It goes, "There's no place like home for the holidays..."
     This idealistic phantom family lives in Christmas songs but rarely is it seen in real life. In most homes during Christmas, many have ambivalent feelings. Deep within, we want to be with family on Christmas day, but we also know this encounter has the potential for conflict, rejection and pain.
     So how do we prepare to meet our family during the holidays? First, make sure before we pack our bags for the trip, we unpack the baggage in our hearts. The best way to do that is to squarely face the hurts inflicted upon us by anyone we will encounter. To do so, go to your Abba and ask Him to remind you of all the things this person has done to you. While still in prayer, ask Him to show you how that event made you feel. Next, pray, "Father, you forgave me through your Son, Jesus Christ, when I did not deserve it. This person did __________ to me and it made me feel _________. This person does not deserve to be forgiven, but in Christ, my identity is that I am a "forgiver" and I have the Great Forgiver living in me. So, by faith I choose right now to forgive that person whether I feel like it or not." Before you leave that prayer time, take responsibility for your sin of resentment towards that person and confess it to the Lord. Jesus died for your sin of resentment so you can thank Him for forgiving you or ask Him to forgive you. Our Abba's forgiveness is one of our blessings in Christ! (Ephesians 1:7)
     The next preparation you will need to commit yourself to is to pray and tell your Father that you give up the right not to be hurt by this person again. In essence, you are telling God that you are trusting Him to be in control. We see this kind of trust in Jesus life in Phillipians 2. (If you have been abused, this does not mean God approves of that or that you should allow it again.)
     Finally, and foremost, ask Jesus Christ to live His life through you to love the people you will be around during that time. What would happen if you went to all of your holiday gatherings with the attitude that you are showing up to love these people instead of showing up to get them to love you! Jesus says to us, Without Me, you can do nothing!" John 15:5. Depend on Him to live and love through you, including those who may not seem lovable. You cannot determine how they will respond, but that is not your responsibility. However, we are responsible to love people (Romans 13:8).
     I would enjoy hearing from you if you choose to allow God to lead, live and love through you during the holidays.

Until next time remember, He loves you.

Be Free in Christ,

Mark Maulding , President and Founder 