
Wednesday, May 11, 2016

You Can't Spiritually Mature without the Message of Righteousness

The idea of righteousness is used 50 times in the book of Romans! 50 times is a tremendous amount, isn't it? That lets us know that it is a very big deal to God and should be to us, too.

Hebrews 5:13 tells us it is such a big deal, that unless we've been clearly taught that we are completely righteous, we can't mature spiritually. Anyone who lives on milk, being still an infant, is not acquainted with the teaching about righteousness.  If a 3 month old child is drinking mama's milk, we think that is wonderful!  If a 13 year old is drinking mama's milk, we know that is weird!  This verse tells us that not knowing the teaching about how righteous we are, makes us spiritually immature like that 13 year old.

Romans is all about the message of righteousness. It's the message that God is able to save sinners, and not only forgive them but make them as righteous as He is.  That is scandalous grace isn't it?  It seems too good to be true...but, it's the Gospel!

Let's go back to the number 50 again.  In the Old Covenant, every 50 years was called the Year of Jubilee. Here are a few things the nation of Israel would celebrate during that year. Slaves were set free.  All debts were forgiven.  The land would rest from growing crops.  Freedom, forgiveness and rest.

I don't want to overstate the idea of righteousness being used 50 times in Romans, but it is certainly fascinating that in Romans we learn how God has provided for us freedom, forgiveness and rest...through being made as righteous as Jesus. The #1 question we hear at the Grace Life Conference is..."Why have I not heard this before?"

I wish I had time to delve into these Scriptures which teach this amazing New Covenant truth, but space does not permit here.  However, I can invite you to hear me teach these Scriptures verse by verse on June 6, from 6-9 pm.  This is our FREE CLASS that we invite you to that I will personally be teaching and I have to say, it is my most favorite teaching that I do at GLI!

The truth you will hear that night is what freed me from sin habits I could not stop and transformed my relationships, especially my marriage.  I will be sharing more about that then.

Won't you join me that Monday night from 6-9? You can hear it live in our conference room or you can hear it live online. However, seating is limited and it's on a first come, first serve basis. 

Register quickly online at www.gracelifeinternational.com If attending online, we will send you directions on how to login to the class that night.  (Already been? Invite your family and friends!)

Believe it! It's the Gospel.

Live Free In Christ,

Mark Maulding, President and Founder

www.GraceLifeInternational.com All Content Copyright © 2016 Mark Maulding but feel free to pass it on!

Monday, May 9, 2016

Come Hear the Other Half of the Gospel

Without hearing the whole Gospel of Grace, we only understand the first half of it and wonder why we struggle so much.  It's like trying to live the Christian life with one hand tied behind your back!  There is the forgiveness side of the cross of Jesus but there is also another powerful side.

Come hear the other half of the Gospel at our Foundation for Transformation Conference.  At it you will see the following unveiled from a verse by verse study of Romans 5-8.

  • Why God unconditionally accepts you  (Rom. 5)
  • How you can overcome sin (Rom 6)
  • Why Christians have something better than the 10 Commandments (Rom 7)
  • How to live daily in Jesus' resurrection power (Rom 8)
Comments from former attendees:

"I now understand that intimacy with God is not about performing for Him but enjoying Him because of what Jesus has performed for me!"  John A.

"I've heard Romans taught many times before, but I've never heard it taught in a way which freed me so much personally!"  Gerry C.

These classes are every Monday night from 6-9 pm or online!

It begins Monday June 6, and the next three Mondays in June for a total of four weeks. Can't make every Monday!  No problem.  We will get the audio and notes to you at no extra charge.

Cost?  The first class is no charge.  $50 pays for the remaining three classes.


Register online ww.gracelifeinternational.com Need more info? Email our Director of Training, Sandy@gracelifeinternational.com 

(While this class can be taken without continuing with our Advanced Discipleship Training (ADT), it is the beginning of it for those who want to discover if God is leading them to continue with ADT.)
In His Grace,

Mark Maulding, President and Founder

www.GraceLifeInternational.com All Content Copyright © 2016 Mark Maulding but feel free to pass it on!

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Accelerate Your Spiritual Growth

Here is the email I asked you to watch for. This is an eptastic opportunity for you to accelerate your spiritual growth. We've watched God do this in hundreds of lives and now we want you to have this same opportunity for yourself and/or others you care about. Here's how.

Discover the power of God's grace with our Advanced Discipleship Training program (ADT). ADT is an 8-month journey designed to help you encounter the fullness of God's love and learn how to disciple other people in His amazing grace. Each participant receives the following:
  • Live, weekly, grace-based teaching by our qualified staff
  • Personal mentoring by a GLI staff member
  • Interaction and community within a small group
  • Audios and videos by nationally-known teachers
  • Collection of specialized books and resources
  • Specific training on how to disciple others
ADT runs for eight months every Monday night from 6 - 9pm starting July 11, 2016 at the Grace Life offices in Charlotte, NC. Go deeper into God's grace with three-hour classes taught by our gifted staff. Topics include:
  • Untwisting Your Concept of God
  • Embracing Your Identity in Christ
  • How to Forgive from Your Heart
  • Resting in Grace versus Exhaustion from the Law
  • Hearing God's Voice and much more...
In case you miss a class, you will receive a free audio recording. Here's what recent alumni say about attending ADT:
"Next to my salvation, ADT is the greatest experience of my Christian life!"  - James C.
"I couldn't have imagined how much more I was going to enjoy God until He replaced my law-based thinking with grace-based thinking at ADT.'" - Joye D
"I'd trade my seminary education for what I experienced at ADT. It literally changed the course of my life and ministry." - Paul C.
The cost to attend ADT is only $1,700 for eight months of life-changing instruction. Pay up-front for only $1,500 and save $200!

You can attend at our office or live online through a powerful tool called Zoom. However, seating is limited for both!  So decide now if you want to come.
To get ADT details or to register email Sandy@GraceLifeInternational.com 
What if I'm not ready to commit to ADT and the 8-month schedule?

We offer a "taste" of ADT during the first four Monday nights in June from 6-9. For more info on this, email our Director of Training, Sandy Witherspoon at Sandy@GraceLifeInternational.com 

In His Grace,

Mark Maulding, President and Founder

www.GraceLifeInternational.com All Content Copyright © 2016 Mark Maulding but feel free to pass it on!

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

God's Not Building Character in You Ever!

When experiencing times of suffering, many Christians glibly proclaim, "God must be building character in me." Nothing could be further from the truth!  God is not trying to build character in you during times of suffering.  Why isn't He trying to build character into us?  It's because the moment we responded to Him and believed in Jesus as our Savior, He put all of His character into us.  It's already there. That's grace for you.

2 Peter 1:4a tells us:  "For by these He has granted to us His precious and magnificent promises, so that by them you may become partakers of the divine nature."  To partake of God's divine nature means we were united to God Himself at salvation. His character was given to us and became our identity in Christ.  

It's not that we became God nor did He become us at salvation. We remain separate but united. It's like making tea. The tea bag releases its flavor into the hot water and we have delicious drinkable tea.  The water takes on the character of the tea, yet, they remain separate. John 17:21 says, that they may all be one; even as You, Father, are in Me and I in You, that they also may be in Us, so that the world may believe that You sent Me. (NASB)

Hard times are still hard times. Yet, God remains good and can use these as opportunities for the character already in us to come out. In other words, we get to live like who we are in Christ and we can ask Jesus in us to live through us to handle these challenges.  2 Cor 12:9 Each time he said, "My grace is all you need.  My power works best in weakness. So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me."(NLT)

Our enemy may tempt us to believe that because life is difficult, God isn't really good, He doesn't love us or He's mad at us.  God is none of those. He loves us and is good. Because we are united with God and can't be separated from Him, we have the confidence that we can go to our Heavenly Dad and talk to Him all about it.  We can tell Him how sad we are, how angry we feel, how confusing life is, how hurt we are and ask Him to speak to us. if you don't know what to pray, take comfort, the Holy Spirit is praying for you according to Romans 8:26.  And the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness.  For example, we don't know what God wants us to pray for.  But the Holy Spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words.  (NLT)

We may also need to share our struggles with a trusted friend or our small group.  Someone asked me recently, who Ellen and I talk to as our daughter's autoimmune encephalitis continues into its second year.  Mostly, each other, but we both also have others we can pour out our hearts to for prayer and counsel.

This may be a new thought for some of you.  If so, I pray God will make it real to you that He is not trying to build His character in you when times are hard.  We may experience Him in a deeper way but His character is already in us.  2 Peter 1:3 tells us this,  By his divine power, God has given us everything we need for living a godly life.  We have received all of this by coming to know him, the one who called us to himself by means of his marvelous glory and excellence. (NLT)

Believe it! It's the Gospel.

Live Free In Christ,

Mark Maulding, President and Founder

www.GraceLifeInternational.com All Content Copyright © 2016 Mark Maulding but feel free to pass it on!

Tuesday, April 19, 2016


A friend told me recently that both of his teenagers rushed in from their youth group meeting and grabbed a bite to eat on the way to their rooms.  As they were passing by, he asked them, "How did youth group go?"  The 16 year old boy said, "Oh you know, Dad.  God's good.  You're bad.  Try Harder."  That's the unfortunate message Christians hear every week.

In my recent introduction at our Pastor's Conference, I shared that I believe there are three distinct types of Christians attending a typical worship service each week. 

Group 1 - The spiritually hungry.  These are the Christians who have a great desire to grow in the Lord.  They are like a dog that is waiting for food by the bowl at meal time who is saying "I'll eat whatever you give me.  Just feed me!" 

Group 2 - The spiritually disillusioned.  These are the Christians who can't figure out why they can't get Christianity to work for them.  They were excited and full of hope in the beginning but now some are disappointed, some are bored and some are ready to give up.  They are like the dog that keeps coming to get food.  Over time, the dog grows tired of the lack of energy and the lack of flavor from what they eat. 

Group 3 - Those in pain emotionally and relationally.  These Christians often carry their secrets and are ashamed to share their struggles.  They are like the dog that goes and lies down in a dark place under a bed and doesn't care if they eat or not.

If you were to ask each of these Christians what the Christian life is all about, they might each answer similar to the 16 year old boy.  God's good.  I'm bad.  Try harder.  This view of the Christian life is not only incorrect, it's unsustainable, and it doesn't help either group to experience genuine growth, fulfillment or healing.

The Gospel of the New Covenant however, can help all three groups.  Jesus said, "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied."  The Gospel tells us that everyone of us who believe has been given that righteousness, so we can stop looking for it.  2 Corinthians 5:21 He made Him who knew no sin to become sin that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him.  (NASB)  Believing that you are as righteous as Jesus is the key to spiritual growth, according to Hebrews 5:13

The Gospel tells us that there is hope for those who are disillusioned because they can find that their identity is in their union with God, not in their sins, failures, successes or service to God.  Colossians 2:10 says it this way: So you also are complete through your union with Christ, who is the head over every ruler and authority. (NLT)

And for those in emotional and relational pain, there is hope for you, also.  Jesus promised that He came to bind up the brokenhearted according to Isaiah 61:1.In Isaiah 53:4, we are also encouraged by these words.  Surely He has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows.(ESV) 

Religion and relationships will always let us down or even damage us.  The real Jesus in the real Gospel, revealed in the fantabulous New Covenant, will always lift us up and heal us.  The Gospel of the New Covenant is this:  God is good.  You are righteous.  Trust Christ in you to live your life!

Believe it! It's the Gospel.

Live Free In Christ,

Mark Maulding, President and Founder

www.GraceLifeInternational.com All Content Copyright © 2016 Mark Maulding but feel free to pass it on!

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

God Loves Jesus More Than He Loves Us, Right?

If we compare the perfect trust and obedience of Jesus to our own, our immediate conclusion is that God the Father loves Jesus infinitely more than He loves us.  It is difficult to believe it's possible that we are in the same league as Jesus when it comes to who God loves.  I mean, who do many parents tend to love or favor the most, the child who is the most obedient or the child who is disobedient?

Most Christians are unconvinced that our Father loves them apart from their behavior, attitudes etc.  It's easy for them to believe in the deep recesses of their minds that God is keeping score, doling out His love more when they obey and withholding it when they don't.  I was once one of them.  Though I could recite to you the fact that God loved me unconditionally, I still functioned as if I could get God's attention through my obedience so He would love me more.

Jesus turned this thinking on its head when He prayed an amazing prayer for His present disciples and the ones who would come later. It's found in John 17:26 "I have made Your name known to them, and will make it known, so that the love with which You loved Me may be in them, and I in them."

Jesus says that He has made the name of the Father known to these who followed Him while on the earth.  To make known the name of the Father is to reveal Who the Father is, which results in Christ followers knowing how much they are loved. 

Can you receive this today?  Can you receive that our Father loves you as much as He loves Jesus, regardless of your good or bad performance? Jesus prayed for this and I am confident that Father always answers Jesus' prayers.

Here is a prayer of faith I challenge you to pray, even if you don't feel or believe you deserve it.

Father, because Jesus prayed for me that You would love me just as much as You loved Him, I believe that right now.  Please deepen my understanding and experience of Your love for me.    Remind me of this on my good days when life is good and on my bad days when life is bad.  In Jesus Name, Amen.

Rest in God's love! 

Warmly in Christ, 

Mark Maulding, President and Founder

www.GraceLifeInternational.com All Content Copyright © 2016 Mark Maulding but feel free to pass it on!

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Grace Works!

"Grace Works" seems contradictory.  It seems more like an oxymoron than a liberating truth.  It is actually what is called a double entendre, in that, it has two powerful meanings.

First, it means God's grace in Jesus Christ works to be the true source of change in us.  Self-effort rarely brings permanent change in anyone's life.  The flesh is the source of self-effort.  The flesh includes all of the strategies I have learned to try to cope with life apart from dependence on Christ in me.  The flesh is also distinct and unique for every person.

For example, you may have learned to use self-confidence to impress people so you can feel important.  That's a fleshly strategy.  Someone else may have learned to people-please, so that they agree with anything another says to them as an attempt to avoid rejection and elicit some type of twisted acceptance.  That is also a fleshly strategy.

Grace works to free us from those kinds of strategies so that our only strategy is Christ in us.  Often, the way God accomplishes this is not by delivering us from our situation, but by delivering us from ourselves! That is, our reliance on our flesh!  As this happens, our enjoyment of Christ in us and who we are in Him transforms us from glory to glory.  That is one way "Grace Works".

Grace works in a different way, also.  As we rely on Jesus in us more and more, the Holy Spirit brings forth good works through us.  Those works are not the religious works of the flesh but the relational works birthed by grace.

For example, because you are a Saint (Ephesians 1:2) which means a holy one, doesn't it make sense that you would want to live a holy life instead of a sinful one?  Since you are righteous (2 Corinthians 5:21) in your identity in Christ, doesn't it make sense that you would want to live a righteous life instead of an unrighteous one?  Since you are a child of God (John 1:12), doesn't it make sense that you would live a life of love, just like your Heavenly Dad, instead of a self-centered one?

I believe you agree that the answer is "Yes," and the power to live like who we are is found in the Holy Spirit filling us with the life of Christ, so He can live through us.  (Ephesians 5:18)

For many, many years, I prayed to be a Godly man.  I worked hard at doing the right actions and works that I thought would make me a Godly man.  It was intense and I was inebriated with the wine of self-righteousness.  One day, after I began to understand the New Covenant, I was riding alone in my car and heard the Lord speak to me deep inside.  He said, "Mark, you are already a Godly man, so you can stop trying to be one."  It was a liberating moment when I realized, that I was already a Godly man in my identity in Christ.  What a relief!  I could finally relax.  The results?  I stopped working to be one and began to live the good works of who I already was...a Godly man.

Rest in God's grace this week which works!

Warmly in Christ, 

Mark Maulding, President and Founder

www.GraceLifeInternational.com All Content Copyright © 2016 Mark Maulding but feel free to pass it on!