When it began to dawn in my heart that I was no longer under the law but under grace, I was a pastor. As I studied the Scriptures, I began to realize that I had been communicating a mixed message from the pulpit of some grace with a lot of law mixed in. So, one Sunday, I stood before the church and apologized for not preaching the pure grace of God. I explained that from that point forward, my sermons would be different and they were.
One area that I began to preach differently from God's Word was about giving financially. Previously, I had laid a heavy burden on God's people about this issue. Now I wanted them to give out of grace rather than some legalistic obligation.
I was taking a personal risk, since my salary was tied directly to the monies which came through the giving each month. The tempting thought was this: "If I teach people that God's heart is 'grace giving' rather than legalistic giving, I may not get paid. But, I knew I needed to live by faith by preaching the truth and leaving the results to God.
2 Corinthians 9:7 reveals God's heart for our giving by saying, "Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." (NIV ) Because we have a new heart in Christ, a new identity, God knows that the deepest desire of our heart is to live generously. He doesn't want our financial giving to be based on a spiritual checklist nor does He want fear to prevent us from giving. He wants our giving to flow from our new heart in Christ.
So back to when I pastored. I began to ask people to go pray at home and ask God how much He wanted them to give on a consistent basis, to continue reaching people with the Gospel of grace. To my surprise, the giving went up, not down! In fact, we had the most money ever given to that church in its history. And people living more cheerfully in learning to live from their new heart, their new identity of being a generous person in Christ.
I've been amazed over and over as I've heard this at Grace Life International when people say, "I am the one being blessed by giving to this ministry which shares the Gospel of grace with so many. Thank you for letting us give." Because we are a ministry which lives by faith, these comments sometimes bring me to tears because I reply, "Wait a minute. We are the ones being blessed!" But they persist in saying what a joy it is.
Do you know why God is so pleased when we give cheerfully? It's because we are living like our Dad who is an incredibly generous God. We are living out of our new nature which He gave us through our new birth. Don't get me wrong, we don't always feel like giving generously in our emotions but when we give by faith; whether or not it makes sense financially for us, our new nature (heart) is cheerful within us. Have you asked God how much He wants you to give and where He wants you to give it? If not, this is a new area for you to live free in Christ!
Are you enjoying your freedom in Christ in this area or are you living from the flesh in fear and/or anger? Would you stop and ask God what He is saying to you?
Live Free In Christ,
One area that I began to preach differently from God's Word was about giving financially. Previously, I had laid a heavy burden on God's people about this issue. Now I wanted them to give out of grace rather than some legalistic obligation.
I was taking a personal risk, since my salary was tied directly to the monies which came through the giving each month. The tempting thought was this: "If I teach people that God's heart is 'grace giving' rather than legalistic giving, I may not get paid. But, I knew I needed to live by faith by preaching the truth and leaving the results to God.
2 Corinthians 9:7 reveals God's heart for our giving by saying, "Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." (NIV ) Because we have a new heart in Christ, a new identity, God knows that the deepest desire of our heart is to live generously. He doesn't want our financial giving to be based on a spiritual checklist nor does He want fear to prevent us from giving. He wants our giving to flow from our new heart in Christ.
So back to when I pastored. I began to ask people to go pray at home and ask God how much He wanted them to give on a consistent basis, to continue reaching people with the Gospel of grace. To my surprise, the giving went up, not down! In fact, we had the most money ever given to that church in its history. And people living more cheerfully in learning to live from their new heart, their new identity of being a generous person in Christ.
I've been amazed over and over as I've heard this at Grace Life International when people say, "I am the one being blessed by giving to this ministry which shares the Gospel of grace with so many. Thank you for letting us give." Because we are a ministry which lives by faith, these comments sometimes bring me to tears because I reply, "Wait a minute. We are the ones being blessed!" But they persist in saying what a joy it is.
Do you know why God is so pleased when we give cheerfully? It's because we are living like our Dad who is an incredibly generous God. We are living out of our new nature which He gave us through our new birth. Don't get me wrong, we don't always feel like giving generously in our emotions but when we give by faith; whether or not it makes sense financially for us, our new nature (heart) is cheerful within us. Have you asked God how much He wants you to give and where He wants you to give it? If not, this is a new area for you to live free in Christ!
Are you enjoying your freedom in Christ in this area or are you living from the flesh in fear and/or anger? Would you stop and ask God what He is saying to you?
Live Free In Christ,
Mark Maulding, President and Founder
All Content Copyright © 2013 Mark Maulding