The cause of great guilt, gnawing shame and grandiose failure in the Christian life is often from trying to be like Jesus. It sounds spiritual and noble to pursue this. Yet, it is actually the curse of many Christ-followers. Some keep trying harder. Some give up. Others settle into the mentality that guilt and failure are the normal Christian life.
My good friend, Diane Bumgardner, tells her own story of how God reversed this curse in her well written testimony below.
By Diane Bumgardner

Good morning! Another beautiful, cold morning! I so love the sunshine!! Just makes me smile to look out and see the sun smiling back at me!
I was a Christian for many years before I "crashed n burned" and learned the meaning of the verse below! I tried for years to "imitate" Jesus. I prayed for and received the power of the Holy Spirit yet I continued to live out of my flesh trying really hard to be a GREAT Christian woman!! But I couldn't do it!! Despite all my great efforts -- I failed! Over and over! I failed! On my bedroom floor one morning, desperate for relief from guilt and shame for all my failures, I cried out to God: "I can't take it anymore!!! I cannot live the Christian life and bring you honor! I just want to die!" God spoke so softly to my heart: "Finally! You are right where you need to be"! Then He spoke this verse into my heart: "I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life I now live in the flesh (in this body), I now live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and delivered Himself up for me." From that moment, nearly 30 years ago to this day, God has been teaching me how that works; this "Jesus living in me, thru me, as me" truth! I am and will ever be a work-in-progress! So are we all! BUT GOD!! Yes, but God is faithful!! He will "restore my me in paths of righteousness"! It is His WORD of promise to us! Makes me wanna shout: "SHINE ON!!" On this new day filled with promise! Blessings to all of you!!
I hope Diane's story encourages you today that you are not alone in this journey wherever you may find yourself in life. And that God's answer is Christ in you!
Believe it! It's the Gospel.
Live Free In Christ,
Mark Maulding, President and Founder All Content Copyright © 2015 Mark Maulding but feel free to pass it on!
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