
Showing posts with label Abba's Love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Abba's Love. Show all posts

Friday, October 31, 2014

Are You Broken?

First let me say a big, "Hello" to all of our readers, in the Carolinas, the USA, Ukraine, Russia, France, China, India, Bulgaria, Germany, Pakistan and even the land of Skype!  I am glad you enjoy this blog.

Brokenness - The very mention of the word causes many Christians to shudder inside, though they may nod their heads agreeing that it is something spiritually necessary.  While Scripture makes it clear that this process is essential for optimum spiritual growth, as well as fruitfulness, there remains quite a bit of uncertainly and confusion regarding it.

Brokenness in Scripture - Romans 8:13 makes a startling statement directed at every Christian when it says, "For if you are living according to the flesh, you must die; but if by the Spirit you are putting to death the deeds of the body, you will live."   A cursory reading of it sounds like God is saying that if you are constantly sinning, that is living according to the flesh, God is going to take you to heaven sooner than you thought!  But this is not the meaning at all.  He is letting us know that because of His great love for us, He is not going to permit us to keep using our flesh to cope with life.  He has provided a way of coping with life which is much much better.  It is Jesus Christ in us. 

Brokenness is not -

Suffering  Though suffering is often used by our DAD to bring us to brokenness, suffering alone is not brokenness.   At GLI, we often hear people tell us they have been broken, when what they really mean is that they have been through a hellacious  time of suffering.  It may be a divorce, a tough marriage, a rebellious child, joblessness, money problems, a family blow up, continuous feelings of low self-esteem and inadequacy, depression, constant worry, habitual sexual sin, unresolved anger and bitterness, major disappointment, illness, adultery or other problems.  When we hear the pain of these legitimate sufferings, we listen compassionately.   However, we also realize that though these are no guarantee of brokenness, they can be the vehicle the Holy Spirit uses to bring them to brokenness.

Unresolved Pain  Today it is common to hear someone say that they are sexually, emotionally, relationally or some other type of "broken" because of events in their past, which are causing negative consequences in their present.  At GLI, we understand what they mean and don't deny that they are in pain.  We also realize they are stuck in patterns that are causing dysfunction.  Yet, this is not the kind of brokenness spoken of in Scripture.  Having said that, we see people in our counseling with those types of issues. We see them receive great healing from Jesus when they begin to experience Him as their Life, on the other side of spiritual brokenness.

Brokenness is - 1.  A growing awareness that no matter how hard I try, my ability to make my life work is getting worse instead of better.  2.  An orchestrated work of God who loves me too much to permit my fleshly coping mechanisms to keep working for me.  3.  The results of the Holy Spirit moving me to the other side of brokenness so that I am changed by Him, not by my efforts.  4.  A growing experience of the reality of my union with Christ in His death, burial and resurrection.  5. Not a one-time event.  Though many people in our ministry can point to a time when the process of brokenness brought about a huge spiritual paradigm shift in them, they eventually realize that there are other "miniature versions" of brokenness as part of their ongoing conformity to the image of Christ.  See Romans 8:28-29.

How do you know if you are broken?  True brokenness from God will produce lasting transformation in us.  This is a result of a type of death in which our reliance on our flesh is exchanged for reliance on Christ in us, not only as our Savior and Lord, but our Life.  Colossians  4:4 says it this way, "When Christ, who is our life, is revealed, then you also will be revealed with Him in glory." 

My personal brokenness -  Every person on our staff has an amazing story of their own brokenness.  I wish I could share each of those 35 stories with you.  But for now, I will give you the brief version of my own. 

I remember thinking one day that my life had become like our kitchen table I was staring at.  I imagined that one by one, the legs on the table were being removed in the same way all of the things in my life seemed to have been removed.  My friends had vanished, my goal of starting a growing church was failing, my ability to overcome sin was ineffective, and my relationship with God was stressful.  These deficits had been mounting for quite some time, culminating in me to finally telling my wife, "If this is all there is to being a Christian, it doesn't work."  I think my Father was smiling with joy knowing that I was finally where he wanted me - broken.  It was there that He revealed Christ in me.  It was in such a dramatic way that I had never felt the depth of His love as I did then.  That is when everything began to change and my transformation received a ginormous jump start.

What to do - Tell God you know that He loves you, so you are giving Him your permission to do anything He wants to bring you to brokenness.  Already experienced that initial brokenness?  Have you asked Him to bring your family members to brokenness?  How about your children - a tough one to pray?  And if you believe you need help walking through your own brokenness, contact us.  We've been there and we can help you or refer you to someone else in your area who can.

Believe it.  It's the Gospel!

Live Free In Christ,

Mark Maulding, President and Founder

www.GraceLifeInternational.com All Content Copyright © 2014 Mark Maulding

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Do You Know God Cares about How You Smell!

Did you know God likes perfume? And you are going to see that you are that perfume!

When God was giving instructions to Moses in what to put in the Old Testament tabernacle, surprisingly, He tells him in Exodus 30 to make a small alter to burn incense on it, just in front of the entrance to the Holy of Holies. As I read that passage recently, I prayed and asked the Lord, why He wanted incense burned in front of the door to where His presence lived among Israel.

It reminded me of the "hippy" days when it seemed like everybody burned incense. I think back on this time and thought it was probably just for fun and it could have made you feel cool. But then again, some people burned it to cover the smell of other things they smoked. I was not a part of that, but I do remember lots of people burning incense.

So, I was prayerfully wondering why God would want sweet smelling incense to be burning in front of the Holy of Holies. Immediately my mind went to 2 Corinthians 2:15, "For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing." As we depend on Jesus Christ to live through us, we exude the aroma of Christ.

One of our staff had surgery a few months ago. He told me that the nurses and assistants just seemed to like to come in his room. Why? Because he was relying upon Jesus in him during his recovery and they could "smell" it. They did not know what it was but it was Jesus Christ they smelled.

Ellen (my wife) and I were recently in a city where we had to ride the bus quite a bit. It was amazing that almost every time we got on the bus, women who sat beside her wanted to engage her in conversations. She would look for an opportunity to talk with them about the One who lives in her, Jesus. Some times she shared the gospel with those without Christ. Sometimes, she explained the grace of God to those who were in Christ. Other times, she just listened and talked. It got to be a joke that every time we got on the bus, some lady would end up talking with her. Why? They smelled Jesus as He was expressing Himself through her, whether she was talking or just sitting.

Wherever you go, to work, to run, to the kid's games, to worship, to your neighbor, you can be the aroma of Christ if you will ask Him to live His life through you. This is a sweet spiritual perfume to God just as the incense in the tabernacle was a sweet physical perfume to God. Part of my daily prayer each day is, "Jesus fill me with Your love for me and live Your life through me today." I encourage you to make this request a part of your daily prayers too

Live Free In Christ,
Mark Maulding, President and Founder
All Content Copyright © 2012 Mark Maulding

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Is Your Life "Rooted" in God's Love?

You may be surprised to learn that I have a degree in horticulture.  Though I do not use that degree, I do know some things about plants and trees. Take Azaleas for example.  There is nothing more beautiful in the spring than a yard full of these colorful flowering plants. One of the greatest displays of them is often seen on television at the Masters Golf Tournament in Augusta, Georgia.
One of the fascinating tricks to growing beautiful healthy Azaleas is to make certain the soil they are rooted in is acidic. The acid must be the correct kind or it will destroy the roots which will then wither the plant possibly killing it.
In Ephesians 3:14-20 there is a terrific prayer I often pray for myself, my family, my staff and all those we minister to.  The prayer is basically one where we are asking God to give Christians a deeper revelation of Christ in us.  One of the results of this will be that we will be rooted and grounded in God's love for us.
Ponder the picture God gives us of roots from our soul being in the best soil they could ever be in, the perfect soil of God's love.  To have the roots of our soul drinking deeply from God's love is indescribable.  I not only say that from personal experience but mainly from the conclusion of that prayer.
So where are the roots of your soul today?  Here is a reality check. If those roots are not first and foremost in God's love, then they are somewhere else vainly attempting to get our God-given need for love met in a person, a possession or a position.  When we live like this, over time our soul withers and we may even feel like we are dying.  No spouse, child, parent, date, friend, house, car, clothes, job or anything else can provide our soul with the love we need.  Only God Himself, Who is love, can constantly nourish our soul with the perfect kind of love we need.
All of us at times seek to meet our deepest need for love in the wrong place.  This will eventually lead us into disappointment, emptiness or frustration.  Don't get me wrong, it is great to be loved by someone else, to enjoy our possessions, and to look forward to our job.  The reality is that we can actually enjoy those more when we are rooted in God's love; then we can be OK when those sources dry up.
Why don't you pray that prayer in Ephesians this week for yourself and those you care about?
Until next time, remember He loves us.

Live free in Christ,

Mark Maulding, President and Founder