
Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Christian Myth #11 God Will Not Give Us More Than We Can Handle

    Since this week is Thanksgiving week, I thought I would write on a myth that you may face this week. Some of us are going to be in family situations which are very difficult and stressful. Others of us are facing a Thanksgiving without a loved one for the first time. Or maybe, we are in a circumstances this year which is very dire.

    Often in these situations, we say, "God will not give me more than I can handle". This idea is most likely a misinterpretation of 1 Corinthians 10:13 which says, "No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and He will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation He will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it." If we read closely, it does not say "God will not give us more than we can handle." It actually says that when we are tempted, God will provide a way of escaping the temptation. Our ability mentioned here is referring to Christ in us.

    God does allow us to sometimes experience more than we can handle because He loves us, not because He's mad at us. He knows that our inability to handle life circumstances will often lead us to spiritual brokenness. In this brokenness, He can reveal Christ in us as our very Life. Romans 8:13 speaks of spiritual brokenness this way. "If you are living according to the flesh, you must die". Death here is a reference to us coming to the end of our own self-sufficient way of trying to handle our lives.

    Paul wrote of his own brokenness in Romans 7:23-24 saying, "Wretched man that I am! Who will save me from this body of death? Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord." Paul finally realized he did not need a "how to", he needed a "Who to" - Jesus Christ in him!

    So, whether you are headed to a joyous Thanksgiving or a challenging one, turn to Jesus in you and ask Him to handle each relationship and situation. 

Live Free In Christ,

Mark Maulding, President and Founder


All Content Copyright © 2012 Mark Mauldi

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Christian Myth #10 - If I Prayed and Read My Bible More, I Would Overcome My Sin

    Praying and reading our Bible are very important for a number of reasons, most of all for experiencing intimacy with God. In fact, these are essential for us. Not in a legalistic, religious, check-list way, but in a relational way. When I came out of legalism, I realized I had no idea how to really be intimate with God. Praying and reading the Bible was such a "performance" that I asked God to teach me what He meant. It's all about a relationship!

    Many Christians have read their Bibles and prayed in hopes of overcoming a sin which continually defeats them such as anger, lying, pornography, people pleasing, never being wrong, superiority, self-condemnation, sexual lust, performing for acceptance, addictions and more. The next time they fail, they may think as I once did, "If I prayed and read my Bible even more, I would be able to stop committing this sin." It becomes a vicious cycle. Sin - confess my sin to God - pray more - read the Bible more - sin - confess my sin to God - pray more - read the Bible more - etc.

    Some will get an accountability partner in hopes that when they are tempted to commit that particular sin again, they can contact them to prevent them from falling into this sin again. It's fine to have someone to share our struggles with who will pray for us and encourage us but most of us who have done this have discovered it doesn't stop our sinning problem. God has only one way of defeating the sins which keep defeating us - grace! And the (complete) Gospel explains this to us clearly. In fact, Romans 6:14 says, Sin shall not be master over you for you are not under law but under grace." But, what exactly does this mean?

    Grace means that when we are tempted, we need to face the temptation head on with the truth of our union with Christ. What most of us do when tempted is say to ourselves things like, "I am a Christian. I shouldn't feel this way or do this." While this is true, it only serves to put us under the law turning us to the bankruptcy of self-effort. We soon find ourselves doing the sin we said we shouldn't do. Why? Because sin actually gains power from the law causing us to sin!

    The "grace way" of dealing with temptation is something like this. We need to take ourselves out from under the law in our minds by saying or praying, "I'm free to do this sin because I am not under the law. God will still love me and accept me if I do this." (Romans 7:6, Romans 8:1) Because my old identity in Adam which loved to ______ (insert your sin) died with Jesus on the cross. (Romans 6:6) I am not a ______ person. (insert angry person, pornographic person, etc.) As a new creation in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17), I am a ______ (insert your identity in Christ which is the opposite of your sin - for example, a forgiver in Christ, a pure, righteous person in Christ). Jesus, please live through me and take care of this temptation right now. (Galatians 2:20). This is not a formula. It is responding relationally with God based on our union with Christ in His death, burial, and resurrection. I've been amazed through the years as to how many people have experienced victory over temptation through understanding  grace (their union with Christ). Some have asked me what to do if this does not "work". I tell them that it usually means they are no longer dealing with the flesh but with demonic resistance. We must at that point take authority over our enemy based on Jesus' victory over him and our union with Him - still overcoming by grace (what has already been done for the believer)!

    What is your sin which keeps defeating you? God's only solution is His grace! Choose to believe it and live from it. If you need some confidential help, please call our office for a free consultation with one of our very gifted counselors. We will be glad to walk with you to show you how God's grace can be God's solution to your struggles with sin. Contact us today!

Live Free in Christ,

Mark Maulding, Founder & President
(On Behalf of the GLI Staff)

All Content Copyright © 2012 Mark Maulding

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Myth #9 - The Gospel is Only for People Who Aren't Christians

Have you every read a familiar verse of Scripture but this time it sort of "jumped out at you"? If you know what I mean, it is as if you had never read it before because it has suddenly come alive in your spirit. Some of you recognize this as a "quickening" or a "check" in the spirit. That happened to me recently as I was reading in Romans 1:15, where the Apostle Paul says, "So, for my part, I am eager to preach the gospel to you also who are in Rome". "You", in this context means---to the Christians. Was Paul wanting them to "get saved" again? No. So what's up with that?

Paul knew that if Christians do not have a revelation of the (complete) Gospel, we cannot grow spiritually to our maximum capacity. Paul knew that understanding the (complete) Gospel can heal the deepest wounds of our hearts and ruptured relationships. Paul knew for us to be the fullest expressions of Christ in this world, (the best human being possible) we need to understand the (complete) Gospel.

That is why He spent 11 chapters in Romans explaining the (complete) Gospel. What is very surprising is that in those 11 chapters, he does not tell Christians to "do" anything. He does give the greatest explanation of what God has not only done for us, but in us and to us, through our union with Christ. Then in chapters 12-16, he tells us how to live from our union with Christ. Would you like to know the essence of the (complete) Gospel? Here it is:

A. The (complete) Gospel is that we can be intimate with God because Jesus Christ is in us and we are in Him, to love us and to live His life through us. Galatians 2:20 says "'I' (the old sinner in Adam) have been crucified with Christ...nevertheless 'I' (the new creation) live, but Christ lives in me". Our new union and Source for living life.

B. The (complete) Gospel is that we can experience peace with God because He has forgiven our past, present and future sins. Colossians 2:13 says God has "forgiven us all our transgressions." Hebrews 10:17 says And their sins and iniquities I will remember no more."

C. The (complete) Gospel means we are defined by our identity in Christ (by what's been done for us, in us and to us (through our union with Christ), not by our past, the opinions of others, our professions or performance. 2 Corinthians 5:17 says "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creation."

D. The (complete) Gospel gives us the ability to conquer sin by living under grace instead of Law. Romans 6:14 says "For sin shall not be master over you, for you are not under law but under grace."

E. The (complete) Gospel frees us to love God beautifully, ourselves Biblically and others freely and boldly, (because we don't need anything from them because are choosing to allow Christ to meet all our needs).

I don't know about you, but I need to "preach" the (complete) Gospel to myself daily so that my focus remains on Jesus and what He has done for me, to me, and in me, through my union with Him, so He can live through me (meaning His character is revealed). But even more, all of us at GLI are passionate about sharing the "complete" Gospel with all of the Christians God is sending our way.

Have you been taught the "complete" Gospel? If not, contact us because we have several ways you can gain understanding through the Scriptures at our discipleship conference, personal discipleship, personal counseling, a grace group or our Advanced Discipleship Training, in a community environment. Life's too short. Contact us today.

Live Free In Christ,

Mark Maulding, President and Founder


All Content Copyright © 2012 Mark Maulding

Thursday, November 1, 2012

The Gospel for Christians through Technology


Early in 2012, I was asking our Father where He wanted to take Grace Life International. One thing He spoke very clearly was "technology". I knew what He meant immediately. Up to date technology is a tool which can be used by God to share the complete gospel with Christians. Look at some of the opportunities coming our way and pray for us.

"I live in another state but I really need your discipleship counseling. Can you counsel me through Skype?" This is a question we are getting more and more. The answer is "Yes we can but for only a limited number of people because of our computers are too old to handle this technology."

"I would like to go to one of your grace-based discipleship conferences but I live too far away. Can I download it from your web site?" The answer is "No, but we have a plan in place to provide that in the near future." At this point, we can send you the DVDs or the CDs along with the Grace Life Conference manual which works fine in the USA, but is a little more challenging in other nations.


When I was meeting with Christian leaders from several European countries recently, I was shocked when one of them said publicly, "It is great to finally meet in person one of my mentors, Mark Maulding." Later, I asked him what he meant only to find out that he and others in Europe had been watching, not only my teaching, but Grace Life International's entire Advanced Discipleship Training on DVD. That was exciting, but later I realized that if it could be provided over the internet, we could train hundreds or even thousands in Europe in how to live by God's grace and how to disciple others to live by God's grace.

Life Coaching and Counseling are very different. Christian counseling is in essence helping a person find God's answer in Christ to their present problem caused by events in their past. Christian Life Coaching is helping a person discover how God designed them so they can plan their future to fulfill the purpose for which God created them. Most people today want Life Coaching through Skype. I can currently provide this through the Internet on a limited basis.

These are a few ways that the complete gospel of grace is finding avenues for us to be able to share it with Christians who are hurting, Christians who are spiritually hungry and Christians who want Life Coaching. I write this week to ask you to pray with us at GLI that our Father will provide the resources we need to be able to reach out through technology locally, in the USA and to the nations.

Live Free In Christ,

Mark Maulding, President and Founder


All Content Copyright © 2012 Mark Maulding

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Myth #8 - We Need to Balance Grace with Law


    God's grace seems too good to be true because God accepts us who are in Christ with no strings attached! He accepts us 100% when we obey Him and He accepts us 100% when we sin. Put another way, we cannot cause God to accept us more through obeying Him and serving Him nor can we cause God to accept us less when we disobey or don't serve Him. When we are reading our Bibles, praying, giving, serving, attending worship, going to Sunday school or our small group, God completely accepts us. On the other hand, when we are not doing any of these, God still accepts us.

    How do we know this? When we study Romans 5, by the end of the chapter, we see two amazing statements. Romans 5:1 says, "Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ." (NASB) Justified means to be forgiven of all sins - past, present and future; and it means to be made 100% righteous. In fact, by being a new creation in Christ, we have become as righteous as God in our identity! (See Corinthians 5:21) The second amazing statement we see is Romans 5:20. "The law was brought in so that the trespass might increase. But where sin increased, grace increased all the more." (NIV) In other words, we cannot "out sin" God's grace! Grace is always faster, bigger and stronger than our sin!

    This might scare us into thinking, "If people believe this, they will live a very sinful lifestyle. We need to balance grace with God's law so they will not sin." Actually, believing that God accepts us will lead us into an incredible intimacy with the One who is in us! And from this intimacy, we will sin less and obey God more! We do not need the law to keep us from sinning. That is what Romans 5-8 is all about. (If you have never studied Romans 5-8, please consider coming to one of our weekends or purchase our CDs. Find out more info in this email.) Keep walking in the grace of God and don't lose your freedom in Christ!

Live Free In Christ,

Mark Maulding, President and Founder


All Content Copyright © 2012 Mark Maulding

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Christian Myth #7 - If I Really Trusted God, I Wouldn't Have Problems

    I wish it was true that if we trusted God we wouldn't have problems and our lives would always be great. That would be terrific...if it was the way God operated. This kind of thinking comes in many different forms such as: "If I really trusted God I would never have financial problems." "If I really trusted God, I would always be blessed with good circumstances." "If I really trusted God, I would get healed." "If I really trusted God, I wouldn't get depressed or feel afraid." "If I trusted God, I wouldn't need to take an anti-depressant." "If I really trusted God, my kids wouldn't mess up." "If I really trusted God, I wouldn't need Christian counseling."

    Because this kind of thinking is false, we can feel very guilty when things don't change as we have prayed they would. Then we can even go down the road of, "If I only had enough faith."

    Some time back one of our staff had to have surgery for a serious condition. This staff member received a call from someone well intended exhorting them and somewhat scolding them that if they would really trust God and have faith, God would heal them and they would not have to have surgery. This staff member was trusting God and we were all believing God's promises. This staff member chose to have the surgery and in the midst of a very difficult recovery, experienced a depth of intimacy with God he had never known before! God did heal him through the surgery and through his faith he experienced God in new ways!

    There is no doubt God wants us to trust Him, depend on Him and believe His promises. However, even if our trust in God is 100%, that does not obligate God to do anything. He always loves us and His sovereign plans intersecting with His love are always what are best for us even when we don't understand.

    It's interesting that when you look at God's heart for us in the Bible, you see a very different perspective. For example, in 2 Corinthians 1:9-11, Paul writes that he is under such difficult circumstances he thinks he may die. He responds to this by saying, "These things happened that we might not trust in ourselves but in God who raises the dead." Paul's challenging life events were not a result of him not trusting God. In fact, Paul understood that these difficult circumstances were an opportunity to trust God in a deeper way.

    Did you know that Paul and his mission team experienced depression even though he trusted God? He writes in 2 Corinthians 7:6, "But God, who comforts the depressed, comforted us by the coming of Titus." Paul also had health problems though he trusted God. He reminded the Christians in Galatia "As you know, it was because of an illness that I first preached the gospel to you." Galatians 4:13

    Trusting God is not going to keep us from problems. These problems are an opportunity to affirm in prayer that we are relying on all that God is and has promised because we are united with Him. To live in and from our union with God while we trust Him provides opportunity after opportunity to go deeper into intimacy with Him!

Live Free in Christ,

Mark Maulding, Founder & President


All Content Copyright © 2012 Mark Maulding

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Christian Myth #6 - If I Obey God, He Will Love Me More


    It is very typical for us as Christians to think that God will love us more if we obey Him but that is simply not true. Yet, every week our counselors at Grace Life hear Christian after Christian share on some level how they believe God's love for them is in direct proportion to their obedience to Him. We understand how they feel because most of us were there at one time but it also breaks our hearts knowing the bondage this produces.

    It seems as if we are sometimes schizophrenic in how we view God's love for us. We tell those outside of Christ that God loves them no matter what they have done and He wants to have a relationship with them through faith in Jesus Christ. Once a person has come to Christ, we can infer or say outright that God will now love them only if they obey Him. Wait a minute! So God loves us unconditionally so we can come to faith in Christ but once we are saved, God loves us conditionally? To take a line from the movie, "O Brother Where Art Thou", "That don't make no sense!" It would seem as though our Father's love would be just as unconditional after we are saved. Right? So, for we who are in Christ unconditional means that there are no strings attached to our behavior whether good or bad.

    I love what John wrote in 1 John 1: "We love Him because He first loved us." Living with the constant awareness of God's love will lead us to obey Him. Imagine a child telling her parents she loves them but not obeying them.

    For some who believe in living by grace, if the topic of obedience to God comes up, they immediately call that legalism. As Forest Gump said, "I'm not a very smart man, Jenny, but I do know what love is." I'm not a very smart man either but I do know what God's love is. And I know that when we know God loves us, we want to obey Him because we love Him. That's not legalism at all. It's a love relationship. Paul wrote that the love of Christ compelled Him to obey God.

    If you are a recovering legalist, like me, and you have recently come out of legalism, I realize that because you obeyed God for all the wrong reasons, that word may conjure up very bad feelings. I remember when I had my grace awakening that I had no idea how to pray, even though I had been praying for two hours a day before that. I had to ask God to show me what prayer was all about because I had done it to impress God so He would love me more. We may need to ask the Holy Spirit to renew our minds about the difference in love based obedience versus legalistic based obedience to God.

    We need to ask ourselves where we are as we read this? Have we obeyed God so He would love us more? The good news is He loves us whether we obey Him or not. Let's all pray the Holy Spirit would deepen our understanding of this great gospel truth!

Live Free in Christ,

Mark Maulding, Founder & President


All Content Copyright © 2012 Mark Maulding